Build entirely on the MERN stack, a full Netflix Clone. Firebase for storing all metadata like movies, shows, trailers, covers.
Hosting this project SOON!
- Register
- Sign Up
- Movies and Series
- Movie/Series Lists
- Genre Selection
- Random Featured Movie
- Video Player
- Hover and see trailer
- Meta details on hovering like age limit, release date and more
- Uploading new movies and series
- Managing users and content
- Delete existing content and users
- Same functions with lists
- Graphs and other data
Install from the list inside package.json
for both client and server sides
Don't install npm i firebase
Use npm i firebase@8.7.1
If you are using full token @ Bearer accessToken
then make sure to replace your accessToken everytime you log in using the loginApi otherwise you will not be authorized
MONGO_URL = YourDatabaseConnectionUrl
SECRET_KEY = YourSecretKey for CryptoJS
Credit: LamaDev(YT)