python sony camera api
using pip:
pip install pysony
using repo:
git clone
python install
You will likely want to set up a virtualenv first and complete the following steps inside it.
Install requirements:
pip install -r test-requirements.txt
Run tests:
python -m unittest discover
script does both of these automatically)
By default, the test suite verifies behavior locally using dummy services.
If you want to run tests live against your real camera, connect to the camera's
wireless access point and set the TEST_LIVE_CAMERA
environment variable.
For example:
TEST_LIVE_CAMERA=1 python -m unittest discover
CAUTION: Use with your camera at your own risk. This is free software that offers no warranty. For details, see LICENSE.
simple example:
>>> api = pysony.SonyAPI()
>>> api.getAvailableApiList()
there api list that you can use.
- develop : please request merge here.
- master : pip live
- can see the photo via liveview
- take a picture every n seconds
- show every supported api list
- Released under the GPL v2 (or later) by Simon Wood (
- Sample application to connect to camera, and start a video recording
- with or without a GUI LiveView screen