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Project description:

Capstone Connect is an online showcase for COMPSCI 399 Capstone projects. We have achieved this by creating a website which allows students to upload their own projects, as well as allowing them to comment on and like each others' projects. Project uploads include a project title, the team who built it, a brief description of the project in question, a space for a video demonstration, another text section which discusses the approach of the team that built the project, a space for a descriptive poster for the project, future plans section, as well as implementation of likes and comments.

We have also implemented a login system which allows for Admin, Student, and Vistor roles, each with different permissions. Students may upload projects, Admins may upload and delete projects, create and delete users, as well as set and get a verification code which is required to create a student account. Admins also have the capability to award specific projects with a People's Choice winner and runner up, as well as a Client Nominated winner and runner up. Obviously, there are also logout features for the page.

Technologies used

  • HTML 5
  • JavaScript
  • CSS 3
  • Bootstrap 3.4.1
  • C#
  • ASP.NET Framework 6.0
  • SQL

Dependencies and installation

To run Capstone Connect, run the solution file (Capstone_Connect.sln) through Visual Studio and run the server via the play labeled "Capstone_Connect". The server should run locally on port 5000, where you can then access the various HTML files and their associated scripts. The URL for the home page will then be: https://localhost:5000/index.html. Alternatively, open the folder in Visual Studio code and type "dotnet watch" in the terminal.

Usage Examples

  • Gallery of COMPSCI 399 projects to view. Home Page Projects Page

  • Abilitiy for students to upload their project details. Student Utilities Student Add Project

  • Ability for administrators to give awards to projects and moderate website. Admin Utilities Awarding Projects Awards

  • Ability for users to like and comment on projects. User Social Aspects

Future insight:

  • Add teams button/team functionality
    • This includes the ability to create, search for, and join teams, as well as assigning projects to specific teams (which individual students are themselves linked to).
  • Add social media integration to allow students to share and show off their project.
    • This would allow even more widespread sharing of projects and would put teams' names out into the public eye.
  • Mobile compatibility.
    • This includes having a separate page layout for users with a screen that sits at a speficied resolution (ie. tall, narrow screens will show a mobile-compatible page layout)
  • Have a preview of the team’s project when visitors hover over a project box.
  • Allow students and admins see analytics of their project (Likes, comments, clicks onto their page, etc.)
    • This would let students break down whether their project is having issues pulling engagements, holding user attention, etc.


A code repository for the Capstone Connect website.






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