NerdAxe is a fork from bitaxe with fullcolor display graphics. NerdAxe is indented to be an upgrade board for these who have a NerdMiner and would like to have more powerful mining features without losing the NerdMiner essence. That's why NerdAxe is currently controlled by the common board used on Nerdminer project called TTGO-TDisplayS3.
Currently exists two variants sepparated in two branches:
- Nerdaxe Gamma: 1,2Th with a single chip BM1370. Nerdaxe Gamma
- Nerdaxe Ultra: 0,5Th with a single chip BM1366. Nerdaxe Ultra
The following fork could not be possible without the previous work of @skot, @ben & bitaxe devs. Check bitaxe project
Upgrade your NerdMiner experience throught this addon board and start playing with ASICs
- Plug&Play: your NerdMiner board and convert it into a NerdAxe.
- Standalone: can mine directly to your pool over WiFi. No External computer needed.
- Embedded: low cost, low maintenance, high availability, high reliability, low power.
- ASIC: working with most efficient ASIC chips from Bitmain - BM1370.
- Versatile: solo/pool mining, autotune power/heat/efficiency.
- Open Source: All design files are provided.
- TTGO-TDisplay ESP32s3 wifi microcontroller display board
- Multiple Screens to allow you see all the miner stats
- TI TPS546D buck regulator steps down the 5V input to power the BM1370
- Microchip EMC2101 PWM controls the fan and monitors tach output. Measuring internal die temp isn't working.
Nerdaxe firmware was forked from original ESP-Miner version and adapted to use TTGO board and LVGL as graphic interface lib. Check it here -> ESP-Miner Nerdaxe version
Today Nerdaxe is using the latest evolution of this firmware modified by @pmaxuw (creator of the NerdQaxe) and used for other multiple boards Current firmware -> ESP-Miner Nerd*axe version
Flash the latest Nerdaxe firmware here:
- Go to flasher online tool: (recommend via Google Chrome incognito mode)
- Nerd*axe flasher online tool:
- The BM1370 is a undocumented SHA256 mining ASIC from Bitmain. It's mostly used in the Antminer S21pro/S21+
- Bitmain claims the BM1370 has 0.021J/GH efficiency
- The BM1370 is available (new) for around $60 each in small quantities.
- The BM1370 has a different footprint and pinout from the MB1366, BM1368 in previous bitaxe.
- BM1370 from NBTC on AliExpress
- 40x40mm heatsink and 5V fan from a random AliExpress seller. At least half of these arrived broken in some way. But they are cheap and the working ones do keep the BM1387's nice and cool when used with some thermal compound.
- Swap this fan with the Noctua NF-A4x10 5V 4-Pin fan for a much more pleasant experience.
- Board is designed with KiCad 8 design files
- All of the parts on the board are listed in the KiCad BOM
- Check out for PCB ordering tips
- Check out for assembly tips
- 5VDC Power supply 5A minimum. Should be capable of over 25W