InstantBiBi is a configuration tool to set up a complete BiBiServ2 environment.
ant >= 1.8
Java 8
docker >= 1.12 (If you are an administrator)
maven >= 3.3.9 (If you are an administrator)
Before you run any commands, please run
ant install.antlib
ant instant.environment && ant install.wizard
This command starts the wizard on http://localhost:8080/wizard/ . With the help of the wizard you can create tool description (runnableitem.xml) that you must place in the GitHub repository of your tool. Your Github repository must contain a Dockerfile and a runnableitem.xml in the root directory.
(For an installation of your tool, please provide a link of your github repository to the administrator of the bibiserv)
- -Dbase.dir= lets you change the default domain directory. Default: /tmp/${}
You can remove your installation with
ant wipe.all
You can configure the deployment of your installation with the help of the resources.config file.
(If you maintain a fork of the bibiserv, you could change the default bibiserv url or the server_config property for a different layout.)
After that step you can run
ant instant
to deploy your application. This command will automatically fetch a glassfish and deploy the bibimainapp. You can view the start page on localhost:8080. It will create the bibidomain in /tmp/${}.
The default admin credentials are testadmin and simplepassword When you have logged in you can change the BiBiTools properties which defines for example the Docker Hub Organisation that is used for the deployed tools.
If you are behind a proxy you have to configure maven:
On production systems you should configure the glassfish instance by accessing localhost:8048 (when using portbase 8000) e.g:
lets you change the default domain directory. Default: /tmp/${} -
defines the work directory for the installed tools. Default: ${base.dir}/spool -
-Dportbase= sets the portbase for the installation (default:8000). Starting from this port base the following 4 ports used:
${portbase} + 80 (http)
${portbase} + 81 (https)
${portbase} + 27 (database port)
${portbase} + 48 (administration port)
You can deploy a tool with the following command
ant deploy.docker -Durl=<github-url> -Drelease=<release> -Ddest=<destination-path>
github-url is a url to a repository which must have at least the runnableitem.xml (produced by the bibiserv wizard) and a Dockerfile in the root directory. Example:
release is a release number of your tool. You can provide 'master' for using the master branch. Example: '2.2.1'
dest is the destination path of the tool project directory. This directory is just for the intermediate steps important and you can remove it afterwards. Example: /tmp/test
This command will also ask you for your dockerhub credentials. It will deploy the tool on your running glassfish (created with ant instant) and it will push the docker image to the provided dockerhub account. You can view the tool by pointing your browser to localhost:8080/toolname.
A working command looks like this:
ant deploy.docker -Durl= -Drelease=master -Ddest=/tmp/test
If you want to skip the docker step, you can run 'ant deploy.github' with the same parameters as deploy.docker and push your image afterwards.
ant showconfig
ant -Dapp=<toolname>
ant start
ant stop
ant wipe.all