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Teaching aids / slides for the de.NBI cloud user meeting 2020


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de.NBI cloud user meeting 2020 - CLUM 2020

Teaching materials / slides for the de.NBI cloud user meeting 2020

Setup of BiBiGrid


BiBiGrid is written in Java and needs a Java Runtime Environment Version 8 or greater installed. Additionally a terminal client and an SSH client are needed.


The easiest and recommended way to use BiBiGrid is to download the latest prebuilt binary.

Build from Source

Alternatively, you may clone the BiBiGrid repository and build it yourself using Maven, which requires a Java Development Kit (>= 8) and Maven (>= 3.9) installed.

> git clone
> cd bibigrid
> mvn -P openstack clean package


BiBiGrid needs access to the Openstack API to work properly.

Get API Access

The access to the de.NBI Cloud sites' web-based user interface (Openstack Dashboard) is realized by an SSO mechanism using Elixir AAI. An API password is not set by default.

Download OpenStack RC file

The OpenStack RC file is a file that contains the environment variables necessary to run OpenStack command-line clients. The file contains project-specific environment variables and allows access to the Openstack API. After login into the OpenStack Dashboard you can download the OpenStack RC File v3 by clicking on your account symbol in the upper right corner.

Pop-Up Menü oben rechts

After downloading, open up a terminal and source the downloaded file (e.g. to get the credentials into your environment.

> source

Note: You have to source the RC file in every new terminal to be able to access the OpenStack API.

Note: Application credentials are unfortunately not an option, because Openstack4J - the library used by BiBiGrid to talk with OpenStack - does not support them.


The prefilled configuration template below works on the de.NBI cloud site Bielefeld (verified on 2020-10-05). You have to adjust many of the values when trying this on other de.NBI cloud sites.


#use openstack
mode: openstack

sshUser: ubuntu
region: Bielefeld                            
availabilityZone: default                         

subnet: XXXXXX                                     # REPLACE

# Master instance
  type: de.NBI default + ephemeral
  image: e4ff922e-7681-411c-aa9b-6784390a904e
# Worker instances
  - type: de.NBI small + ephemeral 
    image: e4ff922e-7681-411c-aa9b-6784390a904e
    count: 3 
useMasterWithPublicIp: yes
useMasterAsCompute: no

nfs: yes
zabbix: yes
slurm: yes

  ide: true
    admin_password: XXXXX                          # REPLACE
  1. Download the prefilled configuration template
  2. Open it with an editor of your choice and replace the XXXXXXX values for subnet and zabbixConf.admin_password


BibiGrid creates a new SSH key pair (stored at ~/.bibigrid/keys) for each cluster started. These cluster specific keys are used to connect to the master instance. It is possible to add additional SSH keys for communication with the remote compute system (not covered by our template above, see BiBigrid documentation for a precise description).

SSH user

The ssh-user depends on the cloud image your cluster is based on. Since we run on top of Ubuntu 18.04 the ssh-user is ubuntu.


The region can be determined easily by running the OpenStack CLI.

$ openstack region list

Availability Zone

The availability zone where your instances are created.

$ openstack availability zone list


If you have the permissions to create networks, BiBiGrid offers the possibility to create a new private network connected to an existing router. For our tutorial we work on an existing subnet. Please determine the subnet name or ID using the CLI.

$ openstack subnet list


We would like to use a default Ubuntu 18.04 operating system image for our tutorial. Determine the ID of it using the CLI ...

$ openstack image list

... and add it to the master/worker configuration.


We use a typical cluster configuration for our workshop setup. That means we have to enable a shared fs (nfs), a grid batch scheduler (slurm), a monitoring framework (zabbix) and a web IDE (theia).

Creating a BiBiGrid alias

To keep the cluster setup process simple you can set an alias for the BiBiGrid JAR file installed before.
The Unix command should look like the following (depending on the JAR filename):

> alias bibigrid="java -jar /path/to/bibigrid-*.jar"

Verify the configuration

You can simply check your configuration using:

> bibigrid -o configuration.yml -ch

BiBiGrid commands - Start your first cluster

For information about the command set, you may now check the help command:

> bibigrid -o configuration.yml --help

Now we can create the first cluster with our previously generated configuration:

> bibigrid -o configuration.yml -c -v 

If no problem occurs, our cluster should be ready to work within about 15 minutes ... time for a coffee break

coffee break

It is possible to have more than one BiBiGrid cluster running simultaneously. List all running clusters (within the same OpenStack project) using:

> bibigrid -o configuration.yml --list

The command returns an informative list about all your running clusters.

Good to know


SLUM is an open source and scalable cluster management and job scheduling system for large and small Linux clusters. As a cluster workload manager, Slurm has three key functions. First, it allocates access to resources on the worker nodes to users for some duration of time so they can perform work. Second, it provides a framework for starting, executing, and monitoring work (normally a parallel job) on the set of allocated workers. Finally, it arbitrates contention for resources by managing a queue of pending work. (See documentation for a detailed documentation).

User commands (partial list)
  • scontrol: View and/or modify Slurm state
  • sinfo : Reports state of Slurm partitions and nodes
  • squeue : Reports the state of jobs or job steps
  • scancel : Cancel a pending or running job or job step
  • srun : Submit a job for execution
  • ...

Directory structure

BiBiGrid establishes a shared filesystem (NFS) between all cluster nodes. The master acts as an NFS server and all clients connects to it.

  • /vol/spool -> shared filesystem between all nodes.
  • /vol/scratch -> local disk space (ephemeral disk, if provided)

Log into the cluster via direct SSH access

After a successful setup ...

SUCCESS: Cluster has been configured. 
Ok : 
 You might want to set the following environment variable:

export BIBIGRID_MASTER=129.70.51.XXX

You can then log on the master node with:

ssh -i /Users/jkrueger/.bibigrid/keys/bibigridther0ysuts6vo37 ubuntu@$BIBIGRID_MASTER

The cluster id of your started cluster is: ther0ysuts6vo37

You can easily terminate the cluster at any time with:
bibigrid -t ther0ysuts6vo37 

... you should be able to log into the master node. Run sinfo to check if there are 3 workers available.

Log into the cluster through Theia IDE (more comfortable)

BiBiGrid offers a more comfortable way to work with your cloud instances using the web IDE Theia. Let's see how this works together with BiBiGrid.

Theia WebIDE Terminal

If the ide option is enabled in the configuration, theia will be run as systemd service on localhost. For security reasons, theia is not binding to a standard network device. A valid certificate and some kind of authentication is needed to create a safe connection, which is not that easy in a dynamic cloud environment.

However, BiBiGrid has the possibility to open a SSH tunnel from the local machine to BiBiGrid's master instance and to open up a browser window running Theia web IDE.

bibigrid -o configuration.yml --ide <cluster id>

Hello World, Hello BiBiGrid!

To see how the cluster with Slurm works in action, we start with a typical example : Hello World !

  • If not already done, connect to your cluster (via terminal or web IDE)

  • Create a new shell script in the spool directory (/vol/spool):

echo Hello from $(hostname) !
sleep 10
  • Open a terminal and change into the spool directory. cd /vol/spool

  • Make our helloworld script executable: chmod u+x

  • Submit this script as an array job 50 times: sbatch --array=1-50 --job-name=helloworld

  • See the status of our cluster: squeue

  • See the output: cat slurm-*.out

Monitoring your cluster setup

To get an overview about how your cluster is working, you can use Zabbix for monitoring.
Therefore it is necessary to use port-forwarding in order to access the Zabbix server through your local browser.

Log into the cluster:

ssh -L <local-port>:localhost:80 user@ip-address

As the <local-port> you have to choose a free port on your local system (e.g. 8080).
The ip-address is the public IP address of your master instance, that you received after cluster launch in the line export BIBIGRID_MASTER=<ip-address>. Alternatively, you can use the list command from above to get an overview and copy the respective IP address in the row public-ip.

After you have successfully logged into your master instance, type http://localhost:<local-port>/zabbix into your browser address bar. Accordingly, it is the same <local-port> have chosen before.
The public IP of your cluster should be visible with the list command bibigrid -l and is also displayed after setup.

Zabbix Login

You can log in with the admin user and the previously set admin password.

For a detailed documentation please visit the Getting Started Readme.

Manual cluster scaling (NEW)

In some cases, you may want to scale down your cluster when you don't need all the worker instances or scale up when you need more of them. We scale down one worker instance of our first worker batch previously configured.

> bibigrid -o configuration.yml -sd <bibigrid-id> 1 1

Scaling down is quite fast, only the master node has to be reconfigured. Check the number of working nodes running sinfo on the master node. Since we need three workers for the 2nd part of this workshop we now scale up by one worker instance ...

> bibigrid -o configuration.yml -su <bibigrid-id> 1 1

... and again check the number of worker nodes using sinfo. Scaling up takes some time (a few minutes) since newly added workers are being configured from scratch.

Using Ansible and running a bigger example

Ansible is used by BiBiGrid to configure all launched instances. It can also be used to modify an existing cluster.

-> Ansible in a nutshell

Terminate a cluster

To terminate a running cluster you can simply use:

bibigrid -o configuration.yml -t <clusterid>

Optionally, it is possible to terminate more than one cluster appending the other IDs as follows:

bibigrid -o configuration.yml -t <clusterid1> <clusterid2> <clusterid3> ...

Another option is to terminate all your clusters using your username:

bibigrid -o configuration.yml -t <user>


Teaching aids / slides for the de.NBI cloud user meeting 2020







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