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Getting Started

Bennett Wendorf edited this page Jul 17, 2022 · 19 revisions

1. Choose one of the two methods of installation below:

1.1 Installation via Self-contained Executable

1.1.1 Download the Executable

The executable can be obtained from the releases page under Assets for a given release, or in the repository under the distrib directory. Go ahead and download the zip(if applicable) and extract it.

1.2 Installation from Source

1.2.1 Clone the repo

   git clone

1.2.2 Change directory into the new repo

   cd Deskity

1.2.3 Install dependencies

If this option is used, it is recommended to also install pyenv to manage python versions that may be different from the one installed by your package manager. Please refer to the Pyenv Github Page for instructions installing.

One some debian-based distributions, a few other dependencies are needed through the package manager. Run the following command to install them:

sudo apt install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libportmidi-dev libswscale-dev libavformat-dev libavcodec-dev zlib1g-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libjpeg-dev python-dev python3-dev

Use pipenv to install the requirements in a virtual environment

    pipenv install


Manually install requirements using pip

    pip install <requirements from Pipfile>

2. Finish Setup

2.1 Create .secrets.toml

Make a copy of the TEMPLATE.secrets.toml file and rename the copy to .secrets.toml. This is where you will add settings that shouldn't be pushed to a repository, such as API keys.

2.2 Set up OpenWeatherMap API Key

See the Set up OpenWeatherMap API page for instructions on this.

2.3 Set up Microsoft App ID

Most likely, you will not need to do anything here. My app id is included in the file, and should work for most Microsoft accounts. However, if you seem to be getting errors with Microsoft authentication, you can follow the steps here.

2.4 Set up Spotify API

See the Set up Spotify API page for instructions on this.

2.5 Modify Settings

Modify any other settings you would like in the settings.toml file. What is listed in that file already is also the default if that particular setting is not specified, with the exception of the lists_to_use setting, which defaults to an empty list.

3. Check other requirements

3.1 Ensure a web browser is installed for authentication

A web browser must be installed for proper authentication to both Microsoft To Do and Spotify. Make sure that one is installed before trying to run the application. If you're looking for something basic and very lightweight, I highly recommend Midori.

In addition, make sure you have a web browser set as default. Check out this page if you are having trouble with that.

3.2 Ensure the clock is set properly

An incorrect time will cause issues with authenticating to Microsoft. By default on RaspiOS, the clock is set up with network time synchronization, so you should be OK there. On other distributions, refer to their documentation for this. Also check out this great article on setting system time in Linux.

4. Run the App

Choose one of the options below depending on installation method:

4.1 Installed via executable

  • Navigate to the directory where the zip was extracted
  • cd into the Deskity-<architecture>-dir-<version> directory (replace architecture with the version of the build you want, and version with the version you downloaded.)
  • Run the executable like
    ./Deskity <options>

4.2 Installed from source

If pipenv was used:

    pipenv run python


If not, just run:
