Aria Melody is a simple music bot which is made using Riffy package
- 🎻 Using Riffy
Lavalink Client - 🌊 Support Lavalink v3 & v4 Connection
- 🍸️ Slash Command
- 🎵 Music System
- 🎙️ Lots of Sound Filters
- 💺 24/7 in Voice Channel
- 🔎 AutoPlay [ Support Youtube, Spotify, Soundcloud ]
- 🫧 Clean UI
- 🏆️ Easy to Use
- And Many More...!
If you want to use lavalink v3 configuration, please read more on the riffy docs about it Riffy Docs
Aria Melody Lavalink v3 Configuration
On Aria.js line 53
change the rest version to v3
client.riffy = new Riffy(client, config.nodes, {
send: (payload) => {
const guild = client.guilds.cache.get(payload.d.guild_id);
if (guild) guild.shard.send(payload);
defaultSearchPlatform: config.defaultSearchPlatform,
reconnectTries: 15,
- restVersion: "v4",
+ restVersion: "v3",
plugin: [spotify]
On command/commands/music/play.js line 47-65
- if (loadType === "playlist") {
+ if (loadType === 'PLAYLIST_LOADED') {
for (const track of resolve.tracks) { = interaction.member;
await interaction.editReply({ embeds: [embed.setDescription(`\`➕\` | **[${}](${query})** • ${tracks.length} Track(s) • ${interaction.member}`)] });
if (!player.playing && !player.paused) return;
- } else if (loadType === "search" || loadType === "track") {
+ } else if (loadType === 'SEARCH_RESULT' || loadType === 'TRACK_LOADED') {
const track = tracks.shift(); = interaction.member;
await interaction.editReply({ embeds: [embed.setDescription(`\`➕\` | **[${}](${})** • ${interaction.member}`)] });
if (!player.playing && !player.paused) return;
Hosted by @herjuna
Version 4.0.8
Host :
Port : 80
Pass : bytebee_
Region : US, Utah
Secure : false
- Basic understanding in discord.js
- Node.js v16.x or higher ( I recommend LTS version v20.x )
- A working lavalink server checkout the available lavalink servers above
- Spotify API credentials (for searching tracks)
- Stable Connection ( If you want to use this for production )
You can run the bot without flushing the command every start by using node Aria.js
or npm start
- Clone this repository
- Install the required packages by running
npm install
oryarn install
- Find a file named
and add your bot token and other required information - Starts the bot using
npm run deploy
We really appreciated if any of you can contribute to this project. To contribute to this project you can fork this repository and make a pull request, we will gladly check it out. If you have any suggestion or want to report any bug you can join this server: Beban Community