ShortenerLaravelGraphQL is a GraphQL-based web service developed using PHP 8.2 and Laravel 10. This project aims to provide a URL shortening service with a GraphQL API interface, making it easy to create short links and retrieve original URLs using GraphQL queries.
- URL shortening: Generate short URLs from long URLs.
- URL redirection: Redirect short URLs to their original long URLs.
- GraphQL API: Intuitive API for creating short links and retrieving original URLs.
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- PHP 8.2 installed on your system.
- Composer installed to manage PHP dependencies.
- Laravel 10 installed globally or within the project.
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd ShortenerLaravelGraphQL
Install the required dependencies using Composer:
composer install
Copy the .env.example
file and rename it to .env
cp .env.example .env
Generate the application key:
php artisan key:generate
Configure your database connection in the .env
Run database migrations:
php artisan migrate
Start the Laravel development server:
php artisan serve
Visit http://localhost:8000
in your web browser to access the GraphQL playground.
ShortenerLaravelGraphQL provides a GraphQL API endpoint for creating short links and redirecting to the original URLs. You can interact with the API using a GraphQL client or the built-in GraphQL playground.
Query/Mutation | Description | Examples |
allLinks |
Get a list of all short links. | { allLinks { id, short_code, original_url } } |
link |
Get details of a specific short link. | { link(id: "abc123") { id, short_code, original_url } } |
redirectLink |
Redirect a short link to its original URL. | (N/A) |
createShortLink |
Create a new short link. | { createShortLink(url: "") { id, short_code, original_url } } |
updateShortLink |
Update details of an existing short link. | { updateShortLink(id: "abc123", original_url: "") { id, short_code, original_url } } |
deleteShortLink |
Delete a short link. | { deleteShortLink(id: "abc123") } |
allUsers |
Get a list of all users. | { allUsers { id, username, email } } |
user |
Get details of a specific user. | { user(id: "user123") { id, username, email } } |
createUser |
Create a new user. | { createUser(username: "newuser", email: "") { id, username, email } } |
updateUser |
Update details of an existing user. | { updateUser(id: "user123", email: "") { id, username, email } } |
deleteUser |
Delete a user. | { deleteUser(id: "user123") } |
linkVisitStats |
Get statistics for visits to a short link. | { linkVisitStats(shortCode: "abc123") { total_visits, unique_visits } } |
userLinkStats |
Get statistics for a user's short links. | { userLinkStats(userId: "user123") { total_links, total_visits } } |
topVisitedLinks |
Get a list of top visited short links. | { topVisitedLinks(limit: 10) { id, short_code, original_url, total_visits } } |
searchLinks |
Search for short links based on criteria. | { searchLinks(keyword: "example", limit: 5) { id, short_code, original_url } } |
createUserSession |
Create a new user session. | { createUserSession(userId: "user123") { id, token, created_at } } |
deleteUserSession |
Delete a user session. | { deleteUserSession(sessionId: "sess123") } |
createBookmark |
Create a bookmark for a user. | { createBookmark(userId: "user123", linkId: "abc123") { id, user_id, link_id } } |
deleteBookmark |
Delete a user's bookmark. | { deleteBookmark(userId: "user123", linkId: "abc123") } |
likeLink |
Like a short link. | { likeLink(userId: "user123", linkId: "abc123") { id, user_id, link_id } } |
unlikeLink |
Remove a like from a short link. | { unlikeLink(userId: "user123", linkId: "abc123") } |
addComment |
Add a comment to a short link. | { addComment(userId: "user123", linkId: "abc123", text: "Great link!") { id, user_id, link_id, text } } |
updateComment |
Update a comment on a short link. | { updateComment(commentId: "comm123", text: "Updated comment.") { id, user_id, link_id, text } } |
deleteComment |
Delete a comment from a short link. | { deleteComment(commentId: "comm123") } |
rateLink |
Rate a short link. | { rateLink(userId: "user123", linkId: "abc123", rating: 4) { id, user_id, link_id, rating } } |
updateRating |
Update a user's rating for a short link. | { updateRating(userId: "user123", linkId: "abc123", rating: 5) { id, user_id, link_id, rating } } |
deleteRating |
Delete a user's rating for a short link. | { deleteRating(userId: "user123", linkId: "abc123") } |
flagLink |
Flag a short link for review. | { flagLink(userId: "user123", linkId: "abc123", reason: "Inappropriate content") { id, user_id, link_id, reason } } |
unflagLink |
Remove a flag from a short link. | { unflagLink(userId: "user123", linkId: "abc123") } |
reportLink |
Report an issue with a short link. | { reportLink(userId: "user123", linkId: "abc123", issue: "Broken link") { id, user_id, link_id, issue } } |
createCategory |
Create a new category for short links. | { createCategory(name: "News") { id, name } } |
updateCategory |
Update details of an existing category. | { updateCategory(categoryId: "cat123", name: "Updated Category") { id, name } } |
deleteCategory |
Delete a category. | { deleteCategory(categoryId: "cat123") } |
addLinkToCategory |
Add a short link to a category. | { addLinkToCategory(categoryId: "cat123", linkId: "abc123") { id, category_id, link_id } } |
removeLinkFromCategory |
Remove a short link from a category. | { removeLinkFromCategory(categoryId: "cat123", linkId: "abc123") } |
searchCategories |
Search for categories based on criteria. | { searchCategories(keyword: "news", limit: 3) { id, name } } |
createTag |
Create a new tag for short links. | { createTag(name: "technology") { id, name } } |
updateTag |
Update details of an existing tag. | { updateTag(tagId: "tag123", name: "Updated Tag") { id, name } } |
deleteTag |
Delete a tag. | { deleteTag(tagId: "tag123") } |
addTagToLink |
Add a tag to a short link. | { addTagToLink(tagId: "tag123", linkId: "abc123") { id, tag_id, link_id } } |
removeTagFromLink |
Remove a tag from a short link. | { removeTagFromLink(tagId: "tag123", linkId: "abc123") } |
searchTags |
Search for tags based on criteria. | { searchTags(keyword: "tech", limit: 2) { id, name } } |
createReport |
Create a new report for a short link. | { createReport(userId: "user123", linkId: "abc123", issue: "Spam") { id, user_id, link_id, issue } } |
updateReport |
Update details of an existing report. | { updateReport(reportId: "rep123", issue: "Inaccurate information") { id, user_id, link_id, issue } } |
deleteReport |
Delete a report. | { deleteReport(reportId: "rep123") } |
approveLink |
Approve a flagged short link. | { approveLink(linkId: "abc123") } |
rejectLink |
Reject a flagged short link. | { rejectLink(linkId: "abc123", reason: "Low quality content") } |
createNotification |
Create a new notification for a user. | { createNotification(userId: "user123", message: "New update!") { id, message, created_at } } |
markAsRead |
Mark a notification as read for a user. | { markAsRead(notificationId: "notif123") } |
deleteNotification |
Delete a notification for a user. | { deleteNotification(notificationId: "notif123") } |
createSubscription |
Create a subscription for updates. | { createSubscription(userId: "user123") { id, user_id, created_at } } |
cancelSubscription |
Cancel a subscription for a user. | { cancelSubscription(userId: "user123") } |
updateSettings |
Update user-specific settings. | { updateSettings(userId: "user123", theme: "dark") } |
resetPassword |
Initiate the password reset process. | { resetPassword(email: "") } |
changePassword |
Change the user's password. | { changePassword(userId: "user123", newPassword: "newpass123") } |
(Primary Key)username
(Primary Key)user_id
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(Primary Key)user_id
(Foreign Key tousers
(Foreign Key tolinks
(Primary Key)user_id
(Foreign Key tousers
(Foreign Key tolinks
(Primary Key)user_id
(Foreign Key tousers
(Foreign Key tolinks
(Primary Key)user_id
(Foreign Key tousers
(Foreign Key tolinks
(Primary Key)user_id
(Foreign Key tousers
(Foreign Key tolinks
(Primary Key)name
(Primary Key)category_id
(Foreign Key tocategories
(Foreign Key tolinks
(Primary Key)name
(Primary Key)tag_id
(Foreign Key totags
(Foreign Key tolinks
(Primary Key)user_id
(Foreign Key tousers
(Primary Key)user_id
(Foreign Key tousers
(Primary Key)user_id
(Foreign Key tousers
(Foreign Key tolinks
(Primary Key)user_id
(Foreign Key tousers
Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to ShortenerLaravelGraphQL, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
- Make your changes and commit them.
- Push your changes to your fork.
- Submit a pull request to the main branch of the original repository.
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License.
Copyright 2023, Max Base