This is a practical use case for a Linear Regression Machine Learning model. It allows a school or individual class teacher to automate the process of predicting what a student will score. Thus, allowing the teacher to accurately determine which students need more attention, among other benefits.
This is software I developed by myself, using data from the school that I work in, is completely free to use and play with. If you are an Open Source "Newbie" and AI enthusiast, this is the perfect place to start your tech journey!! It is a simple machine Learning model that shows you how AI can make life easier and more efficient. In general, it's just really fun to experiment with, even if I do say so myself! :-)
Some of the main technologies and packages used are:
- Python
- Anaconda
- TensorFlow
- Pandas
- Numpy
- Sci-Kit Learn
- Matplotlib
I first created this model in August of last year, so feel free to update the code or make it more efficient. I would also find it extremely helpful if you added more data! The only data here is from Towering Heights Schools and a public database. You could add a text file of your own exam results through the years or from other databases, just so there are more parameters and results to experiment the beauty of correlation and regression with. To recap, the two main ways you can contribute are:
- Improving code
- Adding more structured data to test with
If you find any other ways to contribute please feel free to do so!!!