Users are directed to a register on opening the website. After the registering, The user is directed to a profile page where user should fill details. On filling that form the user is directed to the home page of the website where the user will see 4 tabs in side navigation bars. Home pages displays the folders and files added to favorites. My_files shows the files and folders of the logged in user. Users tab shows the all the users registered on the website, on clicking the specific user user will be able to see their folders and files. My profile shows the logged in user's profile, users can update profile by clicking update.Logout buttons logs out the user.
- Install Django
- Install all the required pacakges mentioned in the [req.txt]
( using the command
pip install -r req.txt
- Run the server and Connect the port to localhost:8000
- Django
- Bootstrap
- Javascript
- User can login and logout using any Email ID.
- User can create or upload files and folders.
- User can browse files and folders of other users.
- User can download the files and folders.
- User can keep their files private or public.
- Users can also keep the files and floders they are intreseted as favorites for easier access.
- The user has to register when he uses the website for the first time.He can register with any of his Email ID.
- The web application is authenticated and a user must sign in using his username created in Register Page.
- After login the home page is displayed, where user can see his favorite files and folders.
- In the side navigation bar we can see 'My files', where user can the files and folders uploaded by him.
- In the side navigation bar we can see 'All users,' where user can see the profiles of other users, using the website.
- In the above page 'All users' clicking on each user we can get the files and folders uploaded by the respective user.
- In the side navigation bar we can see 'My Profile Page', where user can see his profile.