Python library and scripts to perform field-mapping and water-fat(-silicone) separation based on the proposed hierarchical multi-resolution graph-cut framework from the publication:
Jonathan K. Stelter, Christof Boehm, Stefan Ruschke, Kilian Weiss, Maximilian N. Diefenbach, Mingming Wu, Tabea Borde, Georg P. Schmidt, Marcus R. Makowski, Eva M. Fallenberg and Dimitrios C. Karampinos; Hierarchical multi-resolution graph-cuts for water–fat–silicone separation in breast MRI, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, DOI: 10.1109/TMI.2022.3180302,
Development was performed using python-3.8. Requirements are stated in
- numba (v0.55.0 recommended)
- pymaxflow (v1.2.13 recommended)
- opencv-python (v4.5.5.64 recommended)
- scipy (v1.7.3 recommended)
- for GPU matrix computations: cupy (v9.5.0 recommended)
Unit tests are stored in /tests
. Pytest and h5py are needed as addtional requirements to run the tests.
The package can be easily installed using Pip:
Direct installation from GitHub:
pip install git+
or clone the repository to use the developement mode (recommended):
git clone
pip install -e fieldmapping-hmrgc
from hmrGC.dixon_imaging import MultiEcho
# Input arrays and parameters
signal = ... # complex array with dim (nx, ny, nz, nte)
mask = ... # boolean array with dim (nx, ny, nz)
params = {}
params['TE_s'] = ... # float array with dim (nte)
params['centerFreq_Hz'] = ... # float
params['fieldStrength_T'] = ... # float
params['voxelSize_mm'] = ... # recon voxel size with dim (3)
params['FatModel'] = {}
params['FatModel']['freqs_ppm'] = ... # chemical shift difference between fat and water peak, float array with dim (nfatpeaks)
params['FatModel']['relAmps'] = ... # relative amplitudes for each fat peak, float array with dim (nfatpeaks)
params['siliconePeak_ppm'] = ... # only for water-fat-silicone separation, chemical shift difference between silicone and water peak, float
# Initialize MultiEcho object
g = MultiEcho(signal, mask, params)
g.r2star_correction = False # modify runtime options, e.g. R2star correction for images
# Perform graph-cut method
g.perform() # methods with different parameters can be defined using the multi_echo.json file
# Access separation results
fieldmap = g.fieldmap
r2starmap = g.r2starmap
waterimg = g.images['water']
fatimg = g.images['fat']
siliconeimg = g.images['silicone'] # only if silicone implants are present
pdffmap = g.images['fatFraction_percent']
Jupyter notebooks to reproduce the article can be found in /publication
. Additional libraries are required and are specified in /publication/requirements.txt
. You also need to clone all submodules: git submodule update --init --recursive
. Phantom data are stored in /publication/data
or can be downloaded from an alternative source (in case Github's LFS quote is exceed):
Main contributors:
- Jonathan Stelter - Body Magnetic Resonance Research Group, TUM
- Christof Boehm - Body Magnetic Resonance Research Group, TUM
Noise performance analysis using a generalized chemical species separation:
Single-voxel spectroscopy processing:
This project builds up on the PyMaxflow library and the Maxflow C++ implementation by Yuri Boykov and Vladimir Kolmogorov and is therefore released under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.