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LTS Microsoft Azure IoT Hub SDK for C# Release 2018-10-9

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@abhipsaMisra abhipsaMisra released this 09 Oct 23:42

This release contains a security fix. Applications using Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client v1.6.3 and Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Provisioning.Transport.Mqtt v1.0.2 should upgrade to versions 1.6.4 and 1.0.3 respectively.


Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client v1.6.4

  • Updating the dotNetty library version
  • Forcing use of TLS1.2 for net451
  • Updating AMQP to 2.3.2 for API compat.

Microsoft.Azure.Devices v1.5.2

Unfortunately this package was released with an unsigned binary. Please upgrade to Microsoft.Azure.Devices v1.5.3

  • Forcing use of TLS1.2 for net451
  • Updating AMQP to 2.3.2 for API compat.

Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Provisioning.Transport.Mqtt v1.0.3

  • Updating the dotNetty library version.

Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Provisioning.Transport.Amqp v1.0.4

  • Updating AMQP to 2.3.2 for API compat.