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Deployed URL: LINK

This is a URL-shortening fullstack application that allows users to create short links for long URLs. The application is built using MERN(MongoDB, Express, React, Node).


  • Back end

    • Express- Nodejs framwork for building the REST Apis
    • Mongodb- Document oriented NoSQL database
    • Mongoose- MongoDB object modeling tool
    • Shortid- Short id generator
    • Joi- Request body validation
  • Front end

    • React - JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
    • Axios- To make API calls
    • Dayjs- For date formatting
    • Material UI- For some prebuilt components

Getting Started

Clone the project

git clone
cd URL-Shortener

Run back end

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Start  server
npm run dev

Run front end

# Move to client folder
cd url-shortener-ui

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Start  client
npm run dev


  1. Shorten Long URLs:

    • Efficiently create concise short URLs for lengthy web addresses.
  2. Redirect Functionality:

    • Automatically redirect users to the original URL when they access the corresponding short link.
  3. Local URL Storage:

    • Store generated URLs locally in the browser, enabling users to access their browsing history at any time.
  4. Click Tracking:

    • Monitor and record click activities on shortened URLs for analytical purposes.
  5. Unique Short-ID Generation:

    • Ensure the generation of distinct short IDs for each URL to avoid duplication.
  6. One Short ID per Unique URL:

    • Guarantee the creation of a single short ID for identical long URLs to enhance efficiency.
  7. User-Friendly Interface:

    • Provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface with effective error and success management for a seamless experience.