This is the source code for the web app created by the SingularityU Milan Chapter to improve the way people attend our events.
It is designed to help people find information and study materials more easily, without losing focus on the current event.
It is also a collection of past SU Milan Chapter events with related study materials.
Live working version: (english, italian)
- Ionic+React used for UI/UX
- Supabase used as database and authentication backend
- Nx used to manage the monorepo
- Hardhat used to develop, test, compile and deploy smart contracts
- Ethereum as the blockchain for smart contracts
- IBM Cloud Functions+Eventbrite API used to check if a user has bought a ticket from Eventbrite
- Amazon API Gateway+AWS Lambda used to mint NFT certificates (see Axelera/SUMilanCertificates for details)
- Supabase API Keys (how to obtain)
- IBM Cloud Function API Key (details)
- Amazon API Gateway API Key (see here for details)
- clone this repo:
git clone
- navigate inside the created folder:
cd SUMilanApp
- create a file called
and put these lines inside:
NX_SUPABASE_URL="<obtained in the requirements>"
NX_SUPABASE_PUBLIC_KEY="<obtained in the requirements>"
NX_IBM_EVENTBRITE_WRAPPER_KEY="<obtained in the requirements>"
NX_AWS_LAMBDA_CERTIFICATE_API_KEY="<obtained in the requirements>"
- install dependencies:
npm install
To run the development server, run this command:
npx nx run sumilan-app:serve
To compile web assets and prepare them for deployment, run this command
npx nx run sumilan-app:build:production
This will generate a folder containing all the web assets ready to be deployed on your hosting at dist/apps/sumilan-app
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
Contributions are always welcome! Feel free to open an issue and/or a PR.
Reach us out at