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Membership status

Mervyn Galvin edited this page Sep 2, 2020 · 5 revisions

Membership status

Defines roles in the organisation and permissions.



Field Type Definition
id int Auto-generated
name string Human readable short description of the status


Field Type Definition
id int Auto-generated
member_status_id int From member_status above
is_active boolean This member is active
is_admin boolean This member is an administrator and can approve new members
is_ypo boolean This member is a Youth Protection Officer
is_ac boolean This member is on the Árd Comhairle
is_ac_voting boolean This AC position is a voting role, requires is_ac to be true
is_probationary boolean This member is on probation


Youth Protection Officers exist in two capacities: as a member of the AC or as a branch YPO. Therefore it is possible for 2 distinct YPO roles to exist:

  • YPO (AC) - is_ac && is_ypo
  • YPO (Branch) - is_ypo

Secretary is also used in both the AC and branch level (assuming that AC secretary can't approve a new member without also being a branch secretary):

  • Secretary (AC) - is_ac
  • Secretary (Branch) - is_admin

Simple membership, "Active Member", would have a row in member_status and member_permission, its permissions would be set to all False except is_active.


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