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Fullstack Senior Developer Exercise

Please see the attached database in the docs. You can use the mongorestore tool to import it to mongodb.

Mongo Database reference:

  • DB: domainData
  • User: domainReader
  • Password: reader
  • Auth mechanism: SCRAM-SHA-1


3 collections:

  • domainA
  • domainB
  • domainC

with the same schema

  • SubjectId field (String),
  • Timepoint field (Double),
  • NumericValue field (Double)


  1. Server-side C# Web API application (.net core):

    A. Create a C# data type to represent the scehma of the domainA, domainB, domainC collections. Name it "DomainValue".

    B. Create a C# data type to represent a schema with the fields: Timepoint field (Double), AverageValue field (Double) *The schema represents the Average of Numeric values per time point, so name the data type accordingly.

    C. Implement a data access layer to retrieve or query data from a given collection in the database. The data access layer should generalize the read access to the 3 collections and provide a uniform read access implementation for all of them, as if there were N amount of tables with the same schema.

    D. Create a business layer: -Consume and use the data access layer.

    -Create an implementation to retrieve a list of all domains (collection names).
    -Create an implementation to retrieve the documents of a domain by domain name (collection name). 
     * Use the data type of #A for the results.
     * Consider limiting the retrieved documents to a given range.
    -Create an implementation to calculate the average of the numeric values, grouped by timepoint, for a given domain name (collection name).
     * Use the data type of #B for the results.

    E. Create a Web API: -Consume the business layer

    -Create a method to retrieve a list all domains
    -Create a method to retrieve the documents of a domain by domain name
    -Create a method to retrieve the average of the numeric values grouped by timepoint, for a given domain name
  2. Client angular application

    A. Create an angular application.

    B. The front page of the application should display a list of domain names. Send a request to a running instance of the web api application to retrieve the list of domains.

    C. When a domain name is clicked (a default choice can be set), the client application should navigate to a domain-specific page. -In the domain-specific page, display a header with the name of the domain -Display a table with the documents of the domain collection. Send a request to a running instance of the web api application to retrieve the documents of a domain. *Consider paging of the documents in the table

    D. Under the rendered table, display a list of average values per time point. Send a request to a running instance of the web api application to retrieve the average values.

    Extra (Optional):

    A. Integrate plotly.js into the application ( You may use an angular component if you find one online. B. Display a plotly line chart below the list of average values. Use the same values of the list of average values per time point, where the x-axis values are set by the Timepoint field, and the y-axis values are set by the AverageValue field.


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