In order to use the Redis cache driver you must have it compiled and enabled in your php.ini. You can read about what Redis is from here. Also check A PHP extension for Redis for how you can use and install the Redis PHP extension.
配置redis的driver即可,需要安装redis的php扩展。- 修改配置
# Doctrine Configuration doctrine: dbal: ..... orm: auto_generate_proxy_classes: "%kernel.debug%" naming_strategy: doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore auto_mapping: true # enable metadata caching metadata_cache_driver: type: redis host: port: 3306 database: 1 # enable result caching result_cache_driver: type: redis host: port: 3306 database: 2 # enable query caching query_cache_driver: type: redis host: port: 3306 database: 3 ```
- 使用
public function getLeftNav($ids) { $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('r'); return $qb->where($qb->expr() ->andX($qb->expr() ->eq('r.status', ':status'), $qb->expr() ->in('r.id', ':ids'), $qb->expr() ->eq('r.pid', ':pid'), $qb->expr() ->isNotNull('r.icon'))) ->setParameters([ 'status' => 1, 'ids' => $ids, 'pid' => 0 ]) ->getQuery() ->useQueryCache(true) // query cache ->useResultCache(true, 86400, sprintf('left_nav_%s', implode('_' , $ids)) //result cache ->getResult(); }
- 更新或者删除时,让缓存失效
// in Repository $this->_em->getConfiguration()->getResultCacheImpl()->delete($cacheId);
- 修改配置