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Current things being worked on
Migration from hilt
Migrate Battle Configs from prefs to FGA folder.
It will be on the
folder. Plan to enable to allow users to create folder for organization. -
Github Backup and Restore for configs
FGA Settings Backup and Restore
Config tags and filter tag
It will make it easy to search for at battle launcher.
Battle History.
Ideas want to work on:
Work on Servant Profiles.
Spam V2, it will be based from Servant Profiles to provide better skill usage during spam. It will only take effect once the Command List is empty
On pause, show the remaining commands
Use the current storage settings to auto save all of the configs
Integration with Laplace from Chaldea.
The Idea is to able to get data from Laplace and then copy paste it into another text box.
Combine Card and Servant Priority.
Update the Card pick logic to maximize dmg/np gain
- e.g.
NP(Servant A)-(Card from A)-(Card from B)
will becomeNP(Servant A)-(Card from B)-(Card from A))
- e.g.
Read less images from card pick logic
- When 3 NP used. verify NPs can be used and no card checking.
- When 2 NP used. Find the same one as the higher priority card in the same chain
Need to have full friend list to get the error when sending request with full list.
Select what is the wave/turn the script would start. This is now made possible thanks to the fast lazy column
Different scripts per support.
Auto Creation of Blue Apples, if available
Download Support Servants/CE from another repository. Instead of need to use Support Image Maker. Can just download support files.
Already done:
Auto Servant Level
- Other Servers are supported at Main Repository.
Auto Skill Level
Auto CE Bomb
Auto Append Upgrade
- Append 4 and 5 supported
Auto Lottery-Gift Box loop
- Transition to sell if both present box and servant space are full
Auto Friend Point Summon to CE Bomb
Auto Screenshot of bond level up
Auto send friend request
Option to return to menu once quest is done.
Tea pots but per
battle configserver settings -
Recognized Crit stars
Update the logic of parsing commands in
Skill Maker
.Would make the commands be able to know their wave and/or turn order.
Append on support selection.
- Append 4 and 5 supported
Support Image Maker to Compose.
Command Spell's Full HP/Full NP on the battle script
Probably migrate from DocumentFile to Unifile like Mihon
Stop on Bond Level Up
NP Level recognition