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AprilBrother SDK for Android

You can scan beacon and modify beacon

##Add aprilscansdk for only scan

  • the demo aprilscan is a android studio moudle



  • Copy ab-sdk-beta.jar to your libs directory.
  • Add following permissions and service declaration to your AndroidManifest.xml:
 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH"/>
 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN"/>
 <!-- 声明应用需要使用设备的蓝牙BLE -->
        android:required="true" />
 <!-- use permission on Android M -->
 <uses-permission-sdk-23 android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/>

 <service android:name="com.aprilbrother.aprilbrothersdk.service.BeaconService"
 <!--support modify abeacon with sdk1.6.0 -->
 <service android:name=""
          android:exported="false" />
 <service android:name=""
          android:exported="false" />


  • For Android 7.0, you should set beaconManager.setRangingExpirationMill(30L); before start scan
  • If you want to use change the characteristic you should make sure that our beacon's hardware is above 2.0
  • the default password is 195660
  • Android M to access the hardware identifiers of nearby external devices via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi scans, your app must now have the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION or ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permissions


  • -libraryjars libs/ab-sdk-beta1.6.3.jar
  • -keep class com.aprilbrother.aprilbrothersdk.**
  • -keep class com.aprilbrother.aprilbrothersdk.Utils{*;}
  • if have this question (Can't process class [com/aprilbrother/aprilbrothersdk/services/ABeaconUartService$1.class] (Unknown verification type [18] in stack map frame)) repalce the proguard.jar
  • ADT: replace sdk/tools/proguard/lib/proguard.jar
  • AS: replace android-studio/gradle/m2repository/net/sf/proguard/proguard-base/5.x/proguard-base-5.x.jar