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Provides an easy way to interact with Web3 and possibility to work with contracts deployed on the blockchain

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Unity SDK

The Mirage Unity SDK provides an easy way to interact with Web3 and to work with contracts deployed on the blockchain. As a plugin it easily integrates with MetaMask on Android and iOS.
View Demo

Table of Contents
  1. Install SDK
  2. What's in the SDK
  3. Getting Started
  4. Connect Web3 Wallet
  5. Perform Updates to NFTs
  6. Current ERC Proposals
  7. View Full Examples

🏗 Install SDK

We are using UniTask and Newtonsoft.Json as a dependency, so installing through Package Manager is a preferable way.

Install via git URL

Requires a version of unity that supports path query parameter for git packages (Unity >= 2019.3.4f1, Unity >= 2020.1a21). You can add to Package Manager image image

or add "com.mirage.miragesdk": "" to Packages/manifest.json

To be able to use "com.mirage.miragesdk" as a dependency remember to add Scoped Registry:

Scope(s): com.mirage.miragesdk com.cysharp.unitask

Our package depends

Install via OpenUPM

The package is available on the openupm registry. It's recommended to install it via openupm-cli.

openupm add com.mirage.miragesdk

đź‘€ What's in the SDK

The SDK is designed to make it super easy to get started with Game development by enabling connection and interaction across different blockchains.

  • Contains a huge range of classes, plugins and example scripts for a variety of use cases.

  • Nethereum libraries provide support for web requests using RPC over Http.

  • Ankr RPC network infrastructure provides fast and easy connection to multiple chains.

Getting started

🧰 Prerequisites

  1. Smart Contracts must already be deployed on the blockchain. You have the Smart Contract addresses and ABI.

đź“Ś Use Cases

This help content focuses on the following use cases.

  1. Connecting to a Web3 Wallet (MetaMask) and Authenticating a user

  2. Performing Updates to NFTs by interacting with the blockchain and calling smart functions.

đź‘ť 01 Connect Web3 Wallet

Connecting to an Ethereum i.e. MetaMask wallet provides a link between a wallet address and a user's game account. You have to connect your wallet via WalletConnect. There is a number of ways which you can get a session key from your wallet:

  • Connect with QRCode using QRCodeImage component.
  • Connect using WalletConnect.Instance.OpenMobileWallet.

Both of these methods will generate a linking url which will create a request in your wallet to connect. If you accept to connect a session key will be saved in PlayerPrefs for future use.

  1. Create an instance of a MirageSDKWrapper class via MirageSDKWrapper.GetMirageSDKInstance(...) method after successful connection to your wallet
var sdk = MirageSDKWrapper.GetMirageSDKInstance("<ethereum node url>");

Inside (MirageSDK/Examples/UseCases/LinkingAccountWallet) is an example script demonstrating how to link a crypto wallet (MetaMask) to a player account.

🚀 02 Perform Updates to NFTs

Making updates to the NFT e.g. adding a red hat to a character requires signing and sending a transaction.

Signing Transactions

All updates are transactions that must be signed via a prompt from MetaMask.

Sign message

Login via WalletConnect is required to sign the message.

  • Call the IEthHandler.Sign to trigger Signing via MetaMask.
string message = "Hi I am a message !"
string address = "0x...";
string signature = await sdk.Eth.Sign(message, address);

returns the signature of given message.

Verify the user signed message

MirageSignatureHelper.CheckSignature(message, signature);

Sending Transactions

There are two ways to make update transactions. Using the GetData method and the CallMethod

GetData Method

Use the GetData method to retrieve information from the blockchain. (READ functions do NOT require mining.). Other non-standard Get functions are also available

These methods require

  • Contract Address
  • ABI

The following extract is an example usage of the GetData method to retrieve information about an NFT:

private async UniTask<BigInteger> GetHat(BigInteger tokenID)
	var getHatMessage = new GetHatMessage
		CharacterId = tokenID.ToString()
	var hatId = await _gameCharacterContract.GetData<GetHatMessage, BigInteger>(getHatMessage);

	UpdateUILogs($"Hat Id: {hatId}");

	return hatId;


Use the CallMethod to write new information to the blockchain. These methods utilize gas.

The following extract is an example of how a CallMethod is used to update an NFT:

public async void UpdateNFT()
	// 1) Request nft parameters and signature for parameters
	var info = await RequestPreparedParams(0);
	// 2) Call method that check signature and update nft
	var receipt = await _contract.CallMethod("updateTokenWithSignedMessage", new object[] { info });

	Debug.Log($"Receipt: {receipt}");

Handle transaction events

There is a ITransactionEventHandler argument which provides an access to keypoints of transaction flow.

Implement ITransactionEventHanlder and pass the instance as an argument to be able to intercept those events.
There are pre-crafted implementations:
Allows you to subscribe to events

public class TransactionEventDelegator : ITransactionEventHandler

Base class for you to implement, so you don't have to implement each callback.

public class TransactionEventHanlder : ITransactionEventHandler

SDK Detailed description


After you finished connecting your wallet via WalletConnect you can access SDK Functionallity. First of all you should get an sdk Instance:

var sdk = MirageSDKWrapper.GetMirageSDKInstance("<ethereum_node_url>");


You can get EthHandler via get-only property from sdk instance.

_eth = sdk.Eth;


IContract is a contract handler which gives you an easier access to web3, by handling low-level transformations.

_contract = sdk.GetContract("<contractAddress>", "<contractABI>");

After you have IContract instance for your smart-contract you are now eligible to work with your contract deployed on blockchain

Task<string> CallMethodAsync(string methodName, object[] arguments = null,
	string gas = null, string gasPrice = null,
	string nonce = null);

Sends a message via socket-established connection via json-rpc. Method name is "eth_sendTransaction" Input:

  • methodName: contract method name to call. Contract ABI should contain methodName.
  • arguments: an array of arguments for contract call. Contract ABI should contain ABIType for passed arguments.
  • gas: The amount of gas to use for the transaction (unused gas is refunded).
  • gasPrice: The price of gas for this transaction in wei,
  • nonce: Integer of the nonce. This allows to overwrite your own pending transactions that use the same nonce.


  • returns transaction hash


	new object[]
Task Web3SendMethodAsync(string methodName, object[] arguments,
			string gas = null, string gasPrice = null, string nonce = null,
			ITransactionEventHandler eventHandler = null);


  • methodName: contract method name to call. Contract ABI should contain methodName.
  • arguments: an array of arguments for contract call. Contract ABI should contain ABIType for passed arguments.
  • gas: The amount of gas to use for the transaction (unused gas is refunded).
  • gasPrice: The price of gas for this transaction in wei,
  • nonce: Integer of the nonce. This allows to overwrite your own pending transactions that use the same nonce.
  • eventHandler: event handler which allows you to track every step of your transaction.


  • void

To get a receipt using Web3SendMethodAsync you can subscribe to ITransactionEventHandler

void ReceiptReceived(TransactionReceipt receipt);

ITransactionEventHandler callback:

  • Transaction Begin - is called right after transaction input was created
  • Transaction End - is called after transaction was requested, but still pending
  • Transaction Hash - is called in case if task was not faulted and hash was received
  • Transaction Error - is called if there was a error during transaction execution
  • Transaction Receipt - receipt is requested in case if transaction was successful via EthHandler and is passed to Receipt callback.
Task<List<EventLog<TEvDto>>> GetAllChanges<TEvDto>(EventFilterData evFilter) where TEvDto : IEventDTO, new()


  • evFilter:EventFilterData is a simple data holder which allows you to filter events. Output
  • List of event logs filled with supplied DTO.

EventFilterData allows you to filter event by topics (3 max) and "To Block" with "From Block"

Task<TReturnType> GetData<TFieldData, TReturnType>(TFieldData requestData = null)
			where TFieldData : FunctionMessage, new()

Queries a request to get data from contract


Makes a call or transaction, which won't be added to the blockchain and returns the used gas, which can be used for estimating the used gas.

Task<HexBigInteger> EstimateGas(string methodName, object[] arguments = null,
			string gas = null, string gasPrice = null,
			string nonce = null)


  • methodName: contract method name to estimate. Contract ABI should contain methodName.
  • arguments: an array of arguments for contract call. Contract ABI should contain ABIType for passed arguments.
  • gas: The amount of gas to use for the transaction (unused gas is refunded).
  • gasPrice: The price of gas for this transaction in wei,
  • nonce: Integer of the nonce. This allows to overwrite your own pending transactions that use the same nonce.


  • estimated gas price for transaction

Current ERC Proposals

We have two ERC proposals.
ERC-4884 Rentable NFT Standard ERC-4911 Composability Extension For ERC-721 Standard

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View Full Examples

For full examples:

View ERC20 token example and ERC721 token example