Torrents peer player that able to search on popular russian torrent trackers download and play Movies / TV show / Cartoons / Anime. In addional to this it able to cast video using dlna protocol or serve as dlna media server. It also support remote controle from mobile or browser and automaticaly transcode video stream using ffmpeg. Can be runned as web server or desktop application(electron version)
Checkout Release for prebuilded binaries
You probably will need to instal non free encodes libs: libx264, libmp3lame, libfdkaac
install dependencies
cd client && yarn
cd ../server && yarn
build and run as electron application
yarn start
build and run as web server
yarn server
build ui
cd client && yarn build
build electron binaries
yarn build
it will produce zip archives for linux(x64, armv7) and window platforms into directory
Player use ffmpeg for transcoding. Binaries already included in a repo and contains in a tools directory. If you want use system ffmpeg just remove this directory.
Create a file in root-dir
folder with name rutracker-session
. Copy bb_session
value from rutracker site cookie into this file.
Electron version use MPV.js plugin see repo for information about how to install mpvlib
--root-dir - path to directory configuration store. default: $HOME/webtorrents
--no-dlna - disable dlna media server
--no-dlna-renderers - disable lookup for dlna media rendrers
--dlna-port - dlna media server port
--dlan-uid - dlna media server id: defult: uuid()
--dlan-name - dlna media server name
--web-port - web server port: defualt: 8080
--no-transcoding - disable transcoding
--proxy - use proxy server for search
--proxy-region - enable auto selecting proxy from free proxies list for specific region
--castscreen - start with ui that can be controled only remote
--fullscrean - start in fullscrean mode (press F11 for toggle mode)
--no-mpv - disable mpv plugin
--dev-tools - enable developer tools
- reload UI
- toggle fullscreen
- AnimeVost
- FastTorrents
- 1337x
- Kinogo
- Kinokrad
- Filmix
- LimeTorrents
- NNMClub
- RuTor
- Vummo