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Welcome to the developing repository for PoShPRTG module. PoShPRTG is a comprehensive module for administering PRTG NETWORK MONITOR (
It eases the rollout-/deployment process for new machines and managment of existing machines with all there sensors. The shipped cmdlets are used to call the PRTG API (
All cmdlets are build with
- powershell regular verbs
- mostly with pipeling availabilties
- comprehensive logging on verbose and debug channel
The idea for the module was born while maintaining quiete a large deployment of PRTG installation in my job at abtis GmbH (
I startet to dig into the API documentation and write some powershell functions after work, just for fun and hopefully easy of work. After then the collection of functions was growing and growing so I decided to put them together in this module.
Hopefully some other people may benefit from my work and investigation.