The Payment Subscription Smart Contract is developed using Aiken and is designed to facilitate automated recurring payments between subscribers and merchants on the Cardano blockchain. This contract enables users to seamlessly set up, manage, and cancel their subscriptions directly from their wallets. It ensures secure and efficient transactions by automating the payment of subscription fees, updating service metadata, and handling cancellations, all within a decentralized framework.
For a comprehensive understanding of the contract's architecture, design decisions, and implementation details, please refer to the Design Documentation. This documentation provides in-depth insights into the contract's design, including its components, and detailed explanations of its functionality.
A multi-validator is responsible for creating an initial service by minting a single CIP-68 compliant Service NFT asset and sending it to the user, while also sending the reference NFT to the spending endpoint. It also updates the metadata for the user and deletes the service by burning the Service NFT.
A multi-validator is responsible for creating an account for the user by minting a CIP-68 compliant Account NFT asset and sending it to the user, while also sending the reference NFT to the spending endpoint. It also updates the metadata for the account and deletes the user account by burning the Account NFT.
This is the core validator. It is responsible for holding prepaid subscription fees for a service, renewing a subscription, unsubscribing from a service, and withdrawing subscription fees. The contract incorporates a linear vesting mechanism to gradually release subscription fees to the merchant over the subscription period.
Before you can deploy and test this payment subscription contract, ensure that you have the Aiken compiler installed to write and compile your contract. Follow the Aiken installation instructions to get started.
Follow these steps to compile the project and run the included tests:
Clone the repository and navigate into the directory:
git clone cd payment-subscription
Run the build command to compile all functions and execute the unit tests:
aiken build
Several test cases for each contract are provided to ensure the contract behaves as expected:
: Tests the successful creation of a new service. This involves minting new tokens, setting up the initial service datum, and creating the necessary outputs to establish the service. The test ensures that the service is correctly initialized with the appropriate token values and service details, and validates that the tokens are minted and outputs are prepared as expected. -
: Tests the successful deletion of an existing service. This includes burning the associated service tokens, updating the service datum to reflect the removal, and ensuring that the service is properly deleted from the contract. The test verifies that tokens are burned correctly, inputs are processed, and the final state of the contract reflects the service deletion. -
: Tests the successful update of an existing service. This scenario involves modifying the service details, such as the service fee and subscription period, and updating the service datum accordingly. The test ensures that the service is updated correctly, tokens are managed properly, and the new service details are reflected in the contract. -
: Tests the successful removal of a service from the contract. This involves burning the service tokens and updating the contract state to reflect the removal. The test ensures that tokens are removed as expected, inputs and outputs are correctly handled, and the contract state is updated to indicate that the service has been removed.
: Tests the successful creation of a new user account. This involves minting a CIP-68 compliant Account NFT and sending it to the user while also sending the reference NFT to the spending endpoint. The test ensures that the tokens are minted as expected, the outputs are correctly prepared, and the transaction reflects the creation of a new account with the provided details. -
: Tests the successful deletion of an existing user account. This involves burning the Account NFT tokens and updating the contract state to reflect the account’s removal. The test verifies that the tokens are removed as expected, the inputs and outputs are correctly handled, and the contract state is updated to indicate that the account has been deleted. -
: Tests the successful update of an existing user account. This involves updating the account details while ensuring that the Account NFT tokens are managed correctly. The test checks that the account details are updated as expected, the inputs and outputs are accurately handled, and the contract reflects the updated account information. -
: Tests the successful removal of a user account. This involves burning the Account NFT tokens and updating the contract state to reflect the removal of the account. The test ensures that the tokens are burned as expected, inputs and outputs are processed correctly, and the contract state is updated to show that the account has been removed.
: This test includes setting up a subscription with payment, creating the required datum and redeemer, and ensuring that the subscription is correctly recorded in the contract. It involves preparing inputs and outputs for the transaction and confirming that the subscription is successfully initiated. -
: This scenario covers the case where a subscription is terminated before its end date. It involves calculating and distributing the refund and penalty fees based on the elapsed subscription time and ensuring that the contract correctly reflects the termination and payment of fees. -
: Tests the successful extension of an existing subscription. This scenario involves updating the subscription end date and adjusting the payment and datum to reflect the extended period. The test ensures that the contract properly accommodates the extension and that the subscription details are updated accordingly. -
: This test covers the scenario where a user unsubscribes before the end of the subscription period, including handling any remaining funds, refunds, or penalties. It verifies that the contract correctly processes the unsubscription and updates the state to reflect the change. -
: Tests the successful withdrawal of subscription fees partway through the subscription period. The test involves calculating the withdrawable amount based on elapsed time, preparing transaction inputs and outputs, and ensuring that the funds are correctly withdrawn and recorded. The focus is on verifying that the withdrawal process works as intended.
We have prepared comprehensive test cases. For detailed evidence and to view the test cases associated with these criteria, please refer to the Test Documentation
To run all tests, simply do:
aiken check
Test results:
Each test case is designed to validate specific aspects of the multi-signature contract,To run only specific tests, do:
aiken check -m `test_case_function_name`