Hi and welcome to the Meldingen front-end repository!
This monorepo houses three separate front-ends:
- Public: where the general public can create and view nuisance reports.
- Back Office: where professionals can handle these reports.
- Admin: where admins can manage the Public and Back Office apps.
Read the docs for more information on the project architecture and plug-in choices.
To run these front-ends in a local Node environment, you need Node.js and pnpm. The required versions of these are defined here.
If you have those, you can:
- Install all dependencies with
pnpm install
- Start all applications in development mode with
npm run dev
- Build all applications for production using
npm run build
You can run production builds of the applications in Docker containers. Make sure you have the back-end running in a container before running the front-ends. The back-end Dockerfile is responsible for creating the Docker network necessary for use in the front-ends.
When you do, you can:
- Build the containers with
docker compose build
- Start a production build of all applications with
docker compose up -d
We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community. Read our Code of Conduct if you haven’t already.
This project is free and open-source software licensed under the
European Union Public License (EUPL) v1.2 or higher.
Documentation is licensed as Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal (CC0-1.0