A flower shop used to base the price of their flowers on an item by item cost. So if a customer ordered 10 roses then they would be charged 10x the cost of single rose. The flower shop has decided to start selling their flowers in bundles and charging the customer on a per bundle basis. So if the shop sold roses in bundles of 5 and 10 and a customer ordered 15 they would get a bundle of 10 and a bundle of 5.
For the environment, we need to do the following:
Ruby can be installed here. This code is written using Ruby 2.4
RubyGems can be installed here. RubyGems is a package management framework for Ruby
The following command used to install bundler:
gem install bundler
Bundler is used to provide a consistent environment for Ruby projects. It tracks and installs the needed gems and versions.
First, we need to install the required gems by:
bundle install
RSpec is used for testing. Run the following command to test the application
rspec spec
All test should be green.
We need to pass 2 parameters to the program in order to work as follows:
- Json file for flower items that we are having in the shop.
- Text file representing the customer order
Then use the following command:
ruby app.rb data/flower_products.json data/input_data.txt
"name" : "Roses",
"code" : "R12",
"bundles": [
"number_of_flowers": 5,
"price": 6.99
"number_of_flowers": 10,
"price": 12.99
"name" : "Lilies",
"code" : "L09",
"bundles": [
"number_of_flowers": 3,
"price": 9.95
"number_of_flowers": 6,
"price": 16.95
"number_of_flowers": 9,
"price": 24.95
"name" : "Tulips",
"code" : "T58",
"bundles": [
"number_of_flowers": 3,
"price": 5.95
"number_of_flowers": 5,
"price": 9.95
"number_of_flowers": 9,
"price": 16.99
and the order text file is:
10 R12
15 L09
13 T58
The output will be:
10 R12 $12.99
10 X 1 $12.99
15 L09 $41.9
9 X 1 $24.95
6 X 1 $16.95
13 T58 $25.85
5 X 2 $9.95
3 X 1 $5.95