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Photometry for AMPEL

Vanilla AMPEL treats all DataPoint instances the same way (regardless of their properties). The classes provided in this repository distinguish two types of datapoints: PhotoPoints and UpperLimits. By convention, PhotoPoints have positive ids and UpperLimits have negative ids.

This add-on introduces new abstract classes, new views and a new T1 combiner class.

The specialized view LightCurve comprises a collection of photo points and upper limits together with utility methods to query them.

T2 units working with photometric data can inherit the abstract class AbsLightCurveT2Unit or AbsTiedLightCurveT2Unit and will then be automatically passed LightCurve instances when run.

Similarily, T3 units inheriting AbsPhotoT3Unit will receive TransientView instances rather than SnapView instances.

The auxiliary filters PPSFilter and ULSFilter enable the customization of ingestion behavior via the static field eligible. Please see demo units for more info (DemoFirstPhotoPointT2Unit for example)