pyGinit is a command line tools that help you to initialize your current project a local git repo and remote repo
Requirements before install pyGinit:
- a github account and it's personal access token
- git 1.70 or newer
- python >= 3.7
using pipx :
pipx install pyGinit
from this repository(may not stable) :
git clone
cd pyGinit
poetry build
You need to add token and username of your github account using :
use the same command to change your auth value
if you dont know how to get your github token, you can see this
all your token are save in .pyGinitconfig.ini
at home path, so you will be secure
go to your project directory where you want to create local and remote repository for it. and then type :
pyginit init
all you need is to fill out inquirer by pyInquirer
and let pyGinit
do the rest, from creating local repository,remote github repository, and push your directory to github
Note: make sure the directory is not a local git repository
open your terminal and following command:
pyginit remote
inquirer will appear and then pyGinit will crate a empty github repository
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.