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Alignak App Mobile


Alignak application for mobiles (Android, iOS)

Develop branch build status Development code coverage Join the chat #alignak on License AGPL v3

Short description

Alignak-App-Mobile is currently in Alpha tests. Many bugs can occur...

Install & Run

Currently, you'll need ionic and cordova to build and run this application. Please follow ionic documentation.

Web Run

For tests, browser target (pltaforms) is useful. Just run in root reposiry:

ionic serve


You first have to build apk by running:

ionic cordova build android

Then run it:

  • On your device:

You must copy the generated .apk file to your device and install it. You've to make install apk from unknown source enabled to successfully install.

  • On an AVD (Android Virtual Device)

AVD Manager let you emulate and Android device on your computer. Please refer to the Android Studio website to install it.

Then simply run:

ionic cordova run android

Normally, the application will be automatically launched on the virtual phone.

iOS (tl;dr)

You first have to build apk by running:

ionic cordova build ios

Then run it:

ionic cordova emulate ios

Currently, this plaform is not yet tested. Please follow the ionic tutorial.

Bugs / Enhancements

Please open any issue or idea on this repository.