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ROS control hardware interface for ddsm-210 servo


Quick Start Instructions

If you are familiar with ROS 2, here are the quick-and-dirty build instructions.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
git clone src/ddsm-210
vcs import src --input src/ddsm-210/ddsm-210.iron.repos
vcs import src --input src/ddsm-210/ddsm-210.iron.upstream.repos
source /opt/ros/iron/setup.bash
rosdep install --ignore-src --from-paths src -y -r
colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release    # Faster and more efficient build type
cd ..

If you end up with missing dependencies, install them using commands from Setup ROS Workspace section.

How to use this Package and ROS Introduction

Workflow With Docker

NOTE: If you do not use Docker in the current workflow you can skip this section and jump to Install and Build

We usually use a separate Docker container for each of the projects/workspaces we work on. An internal tool from Stogl Robotics called Ros Team Workspace (RTW) simplifies the creation and work with Docker based workspaces. The tool is targeted toward developers.

Installation of docker depends on the operating system you are using. Instructions can be found here: Windows, Mac and Linux.

Quick Start Using ROS with Docker (ros_team_workspace)

Using Ros Team Workspace (RTW) you can easily with the following command:

setup-ros-workspace-docker WS_FOLDER_NAME ROS_DISTRO

and then after sourcing the new workspace with the _WS_FOLDER_NAME command, you can switch to the workspace with the:



Install and Build

Install ROS Iron and Development Tooling

These instructions assume you are running Ubuntu 20.04:

  1. Install ROS 2 Iron. You can stop following along with the tutorial after you complete the section titled: Environment setup. Make sure you setup your environment with:

    source /opt/ros/iron/setup.bash

    NOTE: You may want to add that line to your ~/.bashrc

    NOTE: There is also a zsh version of the setup script.

  2. Install ROS 2 Build Tools. You do not need to build ROS 2 from source. Simply install the tooling under the section titled "Install development tools and ROS tools".

  3. Install ccache:

    sudo apt install ccache
  4. Setup colcon mixin Reference for convenience commands.

    sudo apt install python3-colcon-mixin
    colcon mixin add default
    colcon mixin update default

Setup ROS Workspace

  1. Create a colcon workspace:

    export COLCON_WS=~/workspace/ros_ws_iron
    mkdir -p $COLCON_WS/src

    NOTE: Feel free to change ~/workspace/ros_ws_iron to whatever absolute path you want.

    NOTE: Over time you will probably have multiple ROS workspaces, so it makes sense to them all in a subfolder. Also, it is good practice to put the ROS version in the name of the workspace, for different tests you could just add a suffix to the base name ros_ws_iron.

  2. Download the required repositories and install package dependencies:

    cd $COLCON_WS
    git clone src/ddsm-210
    vcs import src --input src/ddsm-210/ddsm-210.iron.repos
    vcs import src --input src/ddsm-210/ddsm-210.iron.repos
    rosdep install --ignore-src --from-paths src -y -r       # install also is there are unreleased packages

    Sometimes packages do not list all their dependencies so rosdep will not install everything. If you are getting missing dependency errors, try manually install the following packages:

    sudo apt install ros2-iron-forward_command_controller ros2-iron-joint_state_broadcaster ros2-iron-joint_trajectory_controller ros2-iron-xacro

Configure and Build Workspace:

To configure and build workspace execute following commands:

colcon build --symlink-install --mixin rel-with-deb-info compile-commands ccache

Running Executable

See files of the packages for information regarding running executables.

Using the Local Workspace

To use the local workspace you have to source it by using local setup script:

source $COLCON_WS/install/local_setup.bash

Since there are many errors one unintentionally do with wrong sourcing, please check also Notes on Sourcing ROS Workspace.

Notes on Sourcing ROS Workspace

Sourcing of a workspace appends the binary and resource directories to appropriate environment variables. It is important that you do not run the build command in the same terminal that you have previously sourced your local workspace. This can cause dependency resolution issues. Here is some advice copied from Official ROS Workspace Tutorial on this:

Before sourcing the overlay, it is very important that you open a new terminal, separate from the one where you built the workspace. Sourcing an overlay in the same terminal where you built, or likewise building where an overlay is sourced, may create complex issues.

Sourcing the local_setup of the overlay will only add the packages available in the overlay to your environment. setup sources the overlay as well as the underlay it was created in, allowing you to utilize both workspaces.

So, sourcing your main ROS 2 installation’s setup and then the dev_ws overlay’s local_setup, like you just did, is the same as just sourcing dev_ws’s setup, because that includes the environment of the underlay it was created in.

Testing and Linting

To test the packages packages built from source, use the following command with colcon. In order to run tests and linters you will have had to already built the workspace. To run the tests use following commands:

colcon test
colcon test-result

There are --mixin arguments that can be used to control testing with linters, specifically linters-only and linters-skip.

Creating a new ROS 2 Package

If you need to create a new ROS 2 package it is helpful to start with the official boilerplate for a ROS 2 package. The command ros2 pkg can be used to generate the boilerplate details. For example to create a new ROS 2 package called example_package with a node called example_node and library called example_library use this command:

ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_cmake --node-name example_node --library-name example_library example_package


Here are some useful references for developing with ROS 2:

Packages in ddsm-210 metapackage


A ROS 2 Hardware interface for ddsm-xxx servos







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