ReciPlus is a Minecraft plugin designed for servers running version b1.7.3.
It allows server operators to add custom crafting and furnace recipes with high customizability.
Consider helping ReciPlus become even more versatile and robust.
Visit the CONTRIBUTING guide for details on how to get started and where to focus your efforts.
For any issues with the plugin, or suggestions, please report them here.
Latest releases of ReciPlus can be found here on GitHub.
The plugin is fully open-source and transparent.
If you'd like additional peace of mind, you're welcome to scan the .jar
file using VirusTotal.
Your b1.7.3 server must be running one of the following APIs: CB1060-CB1092, Project Poseidon or UberBukkit.
By default, only OPs have permission.
Use PermissionsEx or similar plugins to grant groups the permission, enabling the commands.
- View ReciPlus commands./rp about
- About ReciPlus./rp reload
- Reload ReciPlus configuration.
- Allows player to reload the ReciPlus configuration.
- Wildcard permission granting everything. (Currently onlyreciplus.config
Generates empty configuration files shaped.yml
, shapeless.yml
, and furnace.yml
located at ReciPlus/recipes
It is very important to follow these layout patterns exactly as they are.
Double quotes: Use them exactly where shown. "X" is used for IDs to ensure proper parsing.
No quotes: When no quotes are present, it indicates a plain number, like 1, which YAML handles as an integer.
Incorrectly following this pattern can cause the plugin to break entirely or result in improper recipes.
See the templates below, followed by a deeper explanation of the IDs and how you can use metadata.
r1: # rX - X being the number of the recipe. Always start from 1 and increment by 1 accordingly
id: "X" # ID of the result item
amount: X # Amount of the result item (1-64)
grid: # Grid can be 1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 2x2, 2x3, and 3x3
- "***" # If your recipe specifically needs air (nothing) somewhere, then use '*'
- "***" # And 'X' (replace X with a char that isn't '*') for any respective ingredient below
- "***"
- "X;X" # Left is assigned character for ingredient - Right is ID of that ingredient
- ... # Optional: Multiple ingredients
r1: # rX - X being the number of the recipe. Always start from 1 and increment by 1 accordingly
id: "X" # ID of the result item
amount: X # Amount of the result item (1-64)
ingredients: ["X", ...] # ID of ingredient(s) - You must have a minimum of 1 and a maximum of up to 9; duplicates are allowed
r1: # rX - X being the number of the recipe. Always start from 1 and increment by 1 accordingly
id: "X" # ID of the result item
amount: X # Amount of the result item (1-64)
source: "X" # ID of the source item
When writing IDs, you can include metadata if desired, as long as the item can support metadata.
For example, "35:14"
represents Red Wool, whereas "35"
, or "35:0"
, represents White Wool.
Click here for a list of all Minecraft b1.7.3 IDs.
If you do not wish to use a certain type of recipe in this plugin, navigate to ReciPlus/recipes/recipe.yml
, clear the configuration, and put the following inside:
shaped: []
shapeless: []
furnace: []
Do not delete the configuration files. Instead, use the aforementioned method to disable them.