- Create 2 VMs for Open5gs and UERANSIM like this.
Check the IP of each VM and note it down.
## to check the IP of a system ip a
Open the local terminal and connect each VM to the different terminals.
## connect to the VM
ssh <VM_login_name>@<VM_ip>
- Make the IP address of each VM, static, to make it easier for customers to find you via DNS.
## to change ip
cd /etc/netplan/
sudo vim 00-installer-config.yaml
Vim keys to use:
Press 'd' button to delete text.
Press ‘i’ button for insertion.
Press ‘ESC’ button to exit insertion.
Press ‘:x’ to save and exit.
- A vim editor will open. Remove all context and paste the below context there. Then save and exit.
## change ip address of 'addresses field' as preferred by you
search: []
version: 2
sudo netplan apply
The command is running in this terminal. So, open another terminal and login same VM again. And close the running terminal.
Do similar with the other VM.
First we deploy Open5gs then UERANSIM because we need Open5gs configuration in UERANSIM.
Run the following commands in a single terminal, logged in to a VM for Open5gs deployment.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:open5gs/latest
sudo apt update
sudo apt install open5gs
- Update the amf config
## to edit amf config
sudo vim /etc/open5gs/amf.yaml
- Change the ngap address with your Open5gs IP and then save and exit.
sudo systemctl restart open5gs-amfd
- Update the upf config
## to edit upf config
sudo vim /etc/open5gs/upf.yaml
- Change the gtpu address with your Open5gs IP address and save it.
sudo systemctl restart open5gs-upfd
- To create a connection between 5G Core and Internet, we need to enable IP forwarding and add a NAT rule to the IP Tables.
## change eth0 with your ethernet interface
## In my case it is enp1s0,
## en --> ethernet
## p1 --> bus number (1)
## s0 --> slot number (0)
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
sudo systemctl stop ufw
sudo iptables -I FORWARD 1 -j ACCEPT
## to get your ethernet interface
ip a
sudo apt update
sudo apt install curl
curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_14.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install nodejs
git clone https://github.com/open5gs/open5gs.git
cd open5gs/webui/
npm ci --no-optional && npm run build
npm run dev --host
- Open a new terminal and run this command.
# run this command if you are on remote server and want to access dashboard locally
ssh -L localhost:3000:localhost:3000 open5gs_VMlogin_name@ip
Open any browser and search for this website: http://localhost:3000
Login credentials :
username - admin
password - 1423
Add new subscriber from dashboard :
IMSI: 901700000000001,
Subscriber Key: 465B5CE8B199B49FAA5F0A2EE238A6BC,
USIM Type: OPc,
Operator Key: E8ED289DEBA952E4283B54E88E6183CA -
Or only type IMSI Number, rest will filled automatically.
- On a new terminal, logged in to another VM for UERANSIM deployment.
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install iproute2
sudo snap install cmake --classic
sudo apt install gcc
sudo apt install g++
sudo apt install libsctp-dev
## clone ueransim
git clone https://github.com/aligungr/UERANSIM
sudo apt install make
- Update the "linkIp", "ngapIp", "gtpIp" field with UERANSIM IP and change the amfConfigs address field with Open5gs IP and save it.
sudo vim config/open5gs-gnb.yaml
sudo ./build/nr-gnb -c config/open5gs-gnb.yaml
Open a new terminal, logged in to same VM as used in gNB setup.
Update the "gnbSearchList" with the IP address of the UERANSIM.
sudo vim UERANSIM/config/open5gs-ue.yaml
sudo ./build/nr-ue -c config/open5gs-ue.yaml
Keep the last 2 terminals running gNB and UE setup opened.
Open another terminal and login to UERANSIM VM and run these commands to store the data packets.
## change ip field with your UERANSIM IP.
## file.pcap is the name of the file, you want to store packets. You can change the name of the file.
sudo tcpdump host <ip> -i any -w file.pcap
- Open a new local terminal and run this command:
scp <UERANSIM-VMlogin-name>@<ip>:<location_of_the_file> <location_to_store_the_packets_in_the_local_device>
- For example, in my case, it is:
scp s2@ /home/shubham/file.pcap
After sometime, stop the terminal running “sudo tcpdump host -i any -w gNB1.pcap” command by pressing “shift+c” button.
The packets are stored in the pcap file.
Open the file in wireshark.
You can see the flow of data packets and protocols used.