Hi there 👋, I'm Aditi Dubey!
🌟 About Me I'm a self-taught UI Designer passionate about creating intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces. I believe in the power of design to solve problems and enhance user experiences.
🔭 Currently working on: Logo project related to water and nature 🌊 Brand strategy for various clients Designing a portfolio to showcase my work 🌱 Learning and exploring more about: Advanced UI/UX design principles Brand strategy and development 🎥 Starting a YouTube channel to share my skills, projects, and resume 💬 Ask me about: UI/UX design Branding Portfolio creation
🌱 I’m currently learning different skills and technologies, like c++,linux, designing, animation and much more .
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://www.instagram.com/aditianimation/
📫 How to reach me aditidubey9131@gmail.com