This demo simulates a railway network with trains, switches and signaling. The signaling system is proven with SPARK to ensure that trains cannot collide.
IMPORTANT: Please note that this project exists as part of a blog entry, article, or other similar material by AdaCore. It is provided for convenient access to the software described therein. As such, it is not updated regularly and may, over time, become inconsistent with the latest versions of any tools and libraries it utilizes (for example, the Ada Drivers Library).
- Make sure to get all the Git submodules "$ git submodule update --init --recursive"
- Download and install the 2019 release of GNAT: GNAT for ARM package
- Start GPS (GNAT Programing Studio)
- Open the project file spark_railway_demo_stm32f429disco.gpr
- Use the "Build all" button to compile
- use the "Flash to board" button to program the STM32F429 Discovery board