Morpheus is a telegram bot that helps to simplify the process of making custom telegram stickers.
As you may know, Telegram's official Stickers bot has strict requirements for a file to be made as a sticker. Morepheus helps to avoid this hassle.
Simply send a file (image for regular stickers and video for animated stickers) and morpheus will return the suitable file (that fulfills the requirements of the telegram overlords 😀), which you can forward to the sticker bot.
Try out the bot: @morpheus_stickerbot
Requires ffmpeg installed in the device
Download the source code or clone it using
Change to Morpheus directory
cd Morpheus
Install the required libraries
pip install -r requirements.txt
To make your own bot, you need to obtain an api token from @BotFather. Follow the instructions here and obtain the same.
Create a file called
and write in it as follows:
API_TOKEN = "<Your api token here>"
Now you are all set to run your bot. Enter the following commands in the terminal
Your bot is now all set to receive instructions.