Cryptocurrencies platform that provides a prediction of bitcoin price by analysing social media sentiment and price history to predict the daily close price accordingly, as well as allowing users to exchange cryptocurrencies using peer-to-peer mechanism, and currencies swapping.
- Predicting daily close price of bitcoin by analyzing different social media platforms interaction (twitter, reddit, google trends) and use LSTM (long-short-term-memory) deep learning algorithm to analyze and predict the price.
- Secure peer-to-peer trading of featuring fast blockchain transactions, minimum gas fee, escrow, and much more.
- Secure Cryptocurrency token swapping supported by the Uniswap Smart contract.
- Aggregated cryptocurrency realtime market data inclding detailed informations about a coin, price, real time charts and much more.
- Transfering from Aomlah wallet to any external wallet.
- Blockchain API:
- Price Predictor: