Releases: ASangarin/MythicKeys
Releases · ASangarin/MythicKeys
MythicKeysClient (1.19.X)
- Build for Fabric 1.19.X
Should hopefully work on all 1.19 versions.
MythicKeysClient 1.2.2 (1.19)
- Build for Fabric 1.19
MythicKeysClient 1.2.2 (1.18.2)
- Build for Fabric 1.18.2
MythicKeysClient 1.2.2 (1.18.1)
- This is just 1.2.1 but without crashing 😏
MythicKeysClient 1.2.1 (1.18.1)
- Minecraft keybindings will also trigger the MythicKey events now
MythicKeysClient 1.2
- Packets are now only sent on first key press and key release
MythicKeysClient 1.1
- Changed a lot of core code. This update is required when a server is using the latest version of plugin.
- Keys now use namespaces and paths instead of numeric IDs.
- Whether a key is being held or just pressed is now sent to the server.
- Added support for Mouse Buttons.
MythicKeysClient 1.2.2 (1.17.1)
- This is just 1.2.1 but without crashing 😏
Okay this is ACTUALLY the last 1.17.1 build.
MythicKeysClient 1.2.1 (1.17.1)
- Minecraft keybindings will also trigger the MythicKey events now
If you want to receive updates and more, please update to 1.18.1.
The latest plugin version to work alongside this version is: 1.3.1
All versions above this will be untested!
MythicKeysClient 1.0.2
- Initial release for 1.18.1
- Requires Fabric API