Releases: ARKye03/morghulis
Releases · ARKye03/morghulis
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
[0.10.0] - 2025-02-28
🚀 Features
- [WIP] implement lexer, parser, and evaluator for mathematical expressions
- This works, damn this is crazy
- Add math expression handling in Runner and update UI components
- Add autostart control option to CLI
- Add tray button styles with rotation effect to NavBar
- Add font size property to CircularProgressBar for customizable text size
- Add volume control to NavBar with CircularProgressBar integration
- Add speaker property to NavBar for volume control integration
- Add icon name property to CircularProgressBar for customizable icon display
- Implement icon caching in CircularProgressBar for improved performance?
- Update font in CircularProgressBar and adjust size measurement logic
- Add wyvern SVG asset and integrate into Settings UI, fix mprsi_box shown when no players available
- Add accent background styling for buttons with hover effect
- Enhance QBluetooth UI with tooltips and battery status display
- Implement singleton pattern in QuickMenu class
- Set default dimensions for QuickMenu
- Initialize Adw and improve error logging in Morghulis class
- Add right-click functionality to TagButton and improve CSS class management
- Implement singleton pattern for OnScreenDisplay and add volume change method
- Add volume control handling in request method
- Enhance notification system with sound playback and visibility management
- Add NotifPopItem and update notification handling in the application
- Init CircularProgress variant
- Add fill rule option to CircularProgress and update geometry handling
- Integrate AstalWp.Endpoint for speaker volume control in NavBar
- Enhance CircularProgressBar with default CSS styling for improved visuals
- Add power profile buttons for performance, balanced, and power saver modes
- Add 'numeric' style to MenuButton Clock in NavBar for enhanced display options
- Implement accent hover color and update NavBar styles for improved UI
- Improve volume_bin by better tooltip and ScrollController
- Integrate GSound for notification sounds
- Add Gizmo helper widget for custom widget creation
- Enhance size allocation and measurement for CircularProgressBar
- Add start_at and end_at properties to CircularProgressBar for customizable progress range
- Add angle normalization to CircularProgressBar for consistent progress range
- Add angles_changed signal to CircularProgressBar for angle normalization notifications
- Add inverted, start-at, and end-at properties to NavBar for enhanced customization
- Update PowerBox to include logout functionality and adjust button spacing
- Enable markup usage in NotificationItem for enhanced text formatting
- Implement PowerOption enum for improved action handling in PowerBox
- Add QAudioBox and QAudioItem components for audio management
- Enhance QAudioBox layout with overlay and scrolled window for improved user experience
- Refactor Tray class to use Gtk.FlowBox for improved item layout management
- Add master border radius variable and apply to button styles
- Add ScrollingLabel widget with customizable scrolling behavior
🐛 Bug Fixes
- (Settings.vala) Correct comparison operator in ppd_present method
- Ppd_present
- Correct logic in looks_like_math function and update visibility handling in Runner
- Round percentage display in CircularProgressBar for improved accuracy
- Bug where tray items will tell the Popover MenuButton that:
- Unused modifier for wicons
- Duplicating `List' instance
- Missing classes
- NotifPopCenter not allocating enough height
- NotifItem current time format
- Max width notifs items at body
- Update icon transform properties in NavBar styles
- Allow line width to be set to zero in CircularProgressBar
- Handle zero or negative line width in CircularProgress RadiusFill rendering
- Change modifier of old internal classes at CPB
- Correct construct method definition in CircularProgressBar
- Update identity for power profiles in Settings to improve clarity
- Power_button goinginvi
- Remove unused spacing
- Numeric labels
- Adjust NotificationItem styles for improved layout
- Move file css before Windows creation
- NotifItem actions
- Update logout command to terminate user session correctly
- Adjust QuickMenu and Settings dimensions
- Replace manual label update with property binding for focused view in NavBar
- Ensure client title is checked for null before accessing properties
- Remove unnecessary update_revealer_visibility method and simplify edge reached logic
- Adjust brightness of occupied navbar color for better visibility
- Add debug logging for unsupported backlight interface
🚜 Refactor
- QBluetooth and QBluetoothItem to use ListBox and improve padding
- [breaking] Add Math subdirectory with lexer, parser, and evaluator build configuration
- Runner as Top anchored, using Gdk.Display and Monitor to margin it up in height by 4
- Commented volume_bin CircularProgress
- Remove duplicated "master_border" style from NavBar bins
- Remove unused Colors.scss and update references to master-border-radius
- Remove unused mpris_time_label styles and update Mpris layout to use
classes - Remove Runner styles and update references in main.scss and UI files
- Remove Mpris styles and update references to hslider in main.scss and UI files
- Remove unused styles from OnScreenDisplay and QuickMenu
- Remove quick_settings_grid_box styles and update references in UI files
- Add title_6 class with font-size adjustment in main.scss
- Replace quick_settings_button styles with qs_grid and update references in QButton and Settings
- Remove nav_bar_label styles and update references to title-4 in NavBar
- Update HyprWorkspaces and RiverTags constructors to accept dependencies
- Simplify art_url method logic for URL validation and consistency
and update button CSS classes in NavBar- Update NavBar accesibilty and improve tooltip text
- Mpris to MprisPlayer, set some tooltips
- Update QPowerProfiles layout and improve component structure
- [breaking] [READ BELOW] Remove unused SVG assets and update UI button icons
- Simplify blueprint input declaration in
- Update NotifWindow class to use property syntax and improve notification sound handling
- Update UI styles in NotifWindow, QBluetooth, and QNetwork for consistency
- Improve property accessors and encapsulate display setup in Morghulis class
- Remove default dimensions from Settings and improve power profiles check
- NavBar code's layout and improve initialization
- Move clock_format to Morghulis class for centralized time formatting
- Use centralized clock_format in NotifPop for time formatting
- Move Mpris and Notifd properties to private and adjust NavigationView declaration
- Remove tag from NavigationPage and connect visibility change to settings navigation
- Update notification resources in files
- Rename notification classes and update resource files
- Remove unused progress bar and timeout handling from notification classes
- NotifPopItem and NotifPopItemsCenter for improved notification handling and structure
- Remove auto-remove functionality from NotifPopItem and implement timeout handling in NotifPopItemsCenter
- Remove unused timeout_ids from NotifPopItemsCenter
- Simplify notification handling in NotifPopItemsCenter by consolidating sound playback and notification addition logic
- Update NotifPopItem and NotifPopItemsCenter for improved layout and action handling
- Improve accessibility
- Encapsulate properties in PowerBox and improve error handling
- [breaking] Remove old CircularProgressBar class and update references to
- CircularProgressBar filename
- Integrate AstalBattery and AstalPowerProfiles for enhanced power profile management, usin new CircularProgress
- Restructure battery display in NavBar for improved visibility and layout
- Simplify CSS loading by creating a color lightening function and consolidating provider addition
- Remove QuickMenu styles and update related components
- [breaking] Rename NotifItem to NotificationItem and update related files
- Add NotificationPopupsCenter and QNotifications for enhanced notification management
- Update NavBar styles for consistency and enhance CircularProgressBar functionality
- Improve child handling in CircularProgressBar and enhance focusability
- Streamline CircularProgressBar integration in NavBar for improved volume display
- Enhance documentation and structure of CircularProgressBar widget
- Simplify property definitions and improve geometry calculations in CircularProgressBar
- Replace custom fill classes with Gizmo for CircularProgressBar
- Remove unnecessary notify connections in CircularProgressBar
- Change function pointers to unowned in Gizmo class
- Remove width-request from NavBar template
- Change variable types for improved clarity in CircularProgressBar calculations
- Change class and method visibility in CircularProgressBar for better encapsulation
- Remove SliderBox component and update PowerBox for uptime display
- Using custom qbutton css class for accent handling
- Improve variable naming and streamline workspace handling in NavBar and HyprWorkspaces
- Simplify Gtk.GestureClick initialization and improve child assignment in TagButton
- Improve variable naming and access in NotifPopItemsCenter
- Implement singleton pattern for Runner instance management
- Streamline Gtk.MenuButton initialization in Tray class
- Update README and to clarify libgtop dependency
- Remove namespace and anchor properties from UI templates to ignore LayerShell Warnings
- Integrate AstalNotifd as public prop for notification dnd
📚 Documentation
- Update README to clarify optional dependencies and enhance feature list
- Add "Thanks to" section with acknowledgments in
- Update README to mark Brightness and Backlight as completed
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
[0.9.0] - 2025-01-18
🚀 Features
- Add QNetwork component for network management in QuickMenu
- Enhance QNetwork component with awful dynamic access point listing and refresh functionality
- Replace ListBox with ListView for WiFi access points in QNetwork
- Add QBluetooth component for Bluetooth device management in QuickMenu
- Refactor QBluetoothItem to use Gtk.Button and improve device connection display
- Add QPowerProfiles component and integrate power profile management in Settings and NavBar
- [breaking] Integrate River support in NavBar and enhance workspace management
- Add callback to hide ppd module if power_profiles DOESNT FUCKING EXIST.
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Increase max-width-chars for player name, title, and artist labels
- End-title buttons for headerbars
- Update notif_count_label label synchronization in NavBar.vala
- Enable NavBar keymode on-demand, to prevent losing focus on Hyprland.
- Update README to include River as a supported wayland compositor and specify libadwaita version requirement
- Maybe it's better this way
🚜 Refactor
- Implement confirmation dialog for shutdown and reboot actions
- Update QuickMenu styles and transition to Adw.Bin for Settings
- No more on_demand for navbar
- Add more modularity, now depending on your Desktop, some modules will load or not
- Make dependencies optional for better modularity
- [breaking] Improve modularity by adding optional dependencies and adjusting subdirectory structure
- Enhance settings UI with new audio button (WIP) and optional dependencies
- Update QuickMenu and Settings UI for improved readability and layout
- Remove notification overlay and integrate notification management into settings on QuickMenu
- I think if more intuitive this way, idk
- Streamline setup methods and enhance active view management in NavBar
- [breaking] Dropping multiple classes in favor of global css classes props
- Runner styles and enhance layout management
- Improved Runner & RunnerButton accessibility
🎨 Styling
- Update Vala code style and improve readability
- Followed vala convention and used
cuddled else
- Update uncrustify configuration for LF newline
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
- [breaking] Update readme
- Update README and remove deprecated tray patch
- Update flake.lock and flake.nix for dependency changes
- Remove caution note about tray functionality in Nix section of README
- Update flake.lock
- Removed unused directive
- Update readme, set libgtop as optional
- Update flake.lock
- Better tooltip client
- Fix order of class
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
[0.7.1] - 2024-11-27
🚀 Features
- Refactor flake.nix for improved build process and packaging
- Add colloid-morghulis icons and desktop file to pkg release
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
[0.7.0] - 2024-11-27
🚀 Features
- Introduce sdPowerBox component and refactor SideDashboard to use it
- Add sdSettings component and integrate it into the project
- Add sdSliderBox component and integrate it into SideDashboard
- Add experimental notification window and notification popups
- Add new experimental Vala-based CLI
- Add static instance of StatusBar for requesting popup notif_popover
- Add StatusBat_Box for battery info
- Add power_profile module
- Dynamic css reload suing $HOME/.config/morghulis/main.css
- Add request option to CLI for sending application requests
- Enhance MorghulCTL to find binary and check process status
- Add hardcoded notification sound support to NotifWindow
- Add active submap label to NavBar with tooltip and visibility logic
- Add visibility logic and tooltip for active client in NavBar
- Add CLI application support and packaging for morghulis
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Change int score to double in RunnerButton.vala
- Desktop file Exec
- Add spacing to notification popup layout
- Toggle window logic
- Install assets direct to pixmaps
- Play notification sound only if sound file is not set
🚜 Refactor
- Rename QuickSettings to SideDashboard and update related components
- Change players carousel orientation from vertical to horizontal
- Move uptime functionality inside sdPowerBox
- (StatusBar) Using ssytem icons instead of Nerd Fonts one
- Update SideDashboard styling and image handling by using Adw.Avatar
- Add custom SVG icons and update UI components
- Battery shown only when there is a battery present, Clock set timeout to 60000
- Rename SideDashboard components to QuickMenu and update references
🎨 Styling
- [breaking] Changed uncrustify to have a better looking format
- [breaking] Fromatted all vala files with new rules
- Fix error of weird random indentation
- Better cond expressions
- Update notification badge colors and enhance ListBox styling
- Fixed some spaces, naming conventions, some random things that vala-lint fixed but I don't know how or what
- (blp) Center box with []
- Update uncrustify configuration for brace spacing rules
- Update rule to indent switch_case
- Add statusbar_button styles and update StatusBar references
- Has-windows -> has_windows
- Update uncrustify configuration for brace and modifier rules
- Update output message to use ellipsis for consistency
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
- (nix) Update flake lock
- Add CircularProgresBar that doesnt work with blueprins and is too big lol
- Update build process to create a tarball artifact for release
- Refactor layout and styles for volume OSD, update bindings and improve structure
- Mod fuzzy score calculation in Runner.vala
- Fix null random clients on events
- Refactor Gtk.Overla notif to handle the label on the blp
- Move buttons event handler over to StatusBar.blp via GtkCallbacks, simplified Hyprland Focused Client onto StatusBar.blp
- Add CLI target to justfile for MorghulCTL
- Add notification count label and popover improvements
- Fix app_image icon, set default icon-name for dismissing
- Add revealer parent
- Update button colors
- [breaking] Now this is consistency mate
- Improved styling by using Libadwaita style-classes
- Notifications Popups
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
[0.6.0] - 2024-11-10
🐛 Bug Fixes
- (mpris) Fixed labels max width provoking QuickSettings going x-huge
- Presenting StatusBar before needed
- Replace Astal.IO with custom application instance
🚜 Refactor
- [breaking] Refactor scss to work with more generics adw-gtk themes, fixed quickSettingsButton border-radius, removed transparentize effects due to conflicts
- [breaking] Removed ImageFrame component in favor of Gtk.Imge with
overflow: hidden
- [breaking] Moved PKGBUILDs outside to
- Migrate
, fix deprecated rule
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
[0.5.0] - 2024-11-03
🚀 Features
- (i18n) Add LINGUAS and for localization support
- (morghulis) Add desktop entry, GSettings schema, and AppStream metadata
- (justfile) Add install, uninstall, clean, and prune commands
🚜 Refactor
- (quicksettings) Move initialization logic to constructor
- (meson) Modularize blueprint compilation and organize project resources
- (meson) Modularize desktop file handling and validation
- Update bin PKGBUILD 0.4.0
- Bump version 0.5.0
- Change qsButton hover color
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
[0.4.0] - 2024-11-02
🚀 Features
- Add ImageFram component to create roundable images
- Enhance QuickSettings user profile image by using ImageFrame component
🚜 Refactor
- Streamline instance management in App and implement singleton pattern in Daemon
- (mpris) Using ImageFrame for art_image
🎨 Styling
- Simplify GtkLayerShell method calls in OnScreenDisplay, QuickSettings, Runner, and StatusBar
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
- (mpris) Removed unused? directive
- (nix) Update flake lock
- (vscode) Add workspace recomendations
- Update bin PKGBUILD 0.3.1
- Better x-padding
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
[0.3.1] - 2024-11-02 NIX-ONLY RELEASE BELOW!
- Change nix build to use fhs instead of default
- Update bin pkguild 0.3.0
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
[0.3.0] - 2024-11-02
🚀 Features
- Add OnScreenDisplay LayerWindow
🐛 Bug Fixes
- (pkgs) Using tag-release versioning for git releases
- Removed OSD Revealer
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
- (pkgs) Ignore all files except for PKGBUILDs
- (nix) Update flake lock
- (blp) Removed unused directive
- Add astal-battery
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
[0.2.2] - 2024-10-24
🚀 Features
- Add inspector to CLI
- Morhulis as a singleton(Probably), add --version flag to cli
🐛 Bug Fixes
- (Runner) Update astal lock, revert sorting algorithm
🚜 Refactor
- Revert -V flag
🎨 Styling
- (Runner) Foreach > foreach
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
- Update Readme
- Update Readme
- (NIX) Nix derivation as default
- Add pkgbuilds for git and binaries pkgs