This repository is the Github presence of the website, which is a collection of API documentation of open source projects. Initially, the focus is on Java API.
Please use the issue tracker of this repository to file APIdia-related issues of any kind. That can be content requests, functional website bugs, layout/css issues, typos, broken internal or external links, even issues about erroneous content. Depending on each individual case, we may, however, forward content issues to the original authors. For every issue, please provide a link to the relevant html page or section. For broken links, please provide a corrected link if possible.
We suggest that feature requests and ideas for improvement are directed to discussions rather than to issues.
The config folder of this repository can host custom configurations for projects on APIdia. For every doc profile on APIdia, a similar subfolder as on the website can be rooted under the config folder and contain several config files. These files are taken into account for future builds and can be edited by users via pull requests.