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This AMSTer Software is dedicated to automatic SAR/InSAR mass processing for amplitude, coherence or deformation time series. It can also perform single interferometric tasks. It is based on C and C++ software for InSAR processing and MSBAS inversion, wrapped with bash and python scripts for automation.

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AMSTer Software

AMSTer: SAR & InSAR Automated Mass processing Software for Multidimensional Time series. "To crunch the SAR & InSAR mass processing"

This repo contains the shell scripts, codes and docs required for installing and running AMSTer software (formerly named MasTer).

AMSTer is mostly based on 3 elements:

  • an InSAR processor (AMSTer Engine)
  • a time series processor (MSBAS;
  • a set of mostly shell (bash) and some python scripts (AMSTer Toolbox)

AMSTer is aiming at processing automatically and incrementally a large number of interferometric pairs and feeding and running the MSBAS processor [Samsonov and d’Oreye, 2012, 2017; Samsonov et al., 2017, 2020] in order to obtain the desired 2D or 3D deformation maps and time series.

Of course, AMSTer can also perform individual differential interferograms (for deformation measurement or DEM creation purposes).

AMSTer can also create time series of coherence or amplitude maps coregistered on a Global Primary (both in radar geometry or in geographic coordinates), e.g. for land use or geomorphological changes tracking.

AMSTer is able to process any type of SAR data (ERS1 & 2, EnviSAT, ALOS, ALOS2, RadarSAT, CosmoSkyMed, TerraSAR-X, TanDEM-X (incl. bistatic mode), Sentinel1 A & B (incl. SM mode), Kompsat5, PAZ, SAOCOM, ICEYE...).
AMSTer Engine is optimised to fit the needs of the AMSTer Toolbox, which benefitted from some of its unique specificities.

Geocoded amplitude, coherence, interferometric phase and deformation maps are computed using AMSTer Engine, a command line InSAR processor derived from the Centre Spatial de Liege (CSL) InSAR Suite (CIS)[Derauw, 1999; Derauw et al, 2019]. AMSTer in a former version was named MasTer.

The AMSTer Engine stays in continuous development to catch up with new sensors and add new capabilities. It has interesting features such as :

  • the ability to perform absolute phase unwrapping or ionospheric mapping using the SplitBand interferometry [Bovenga et al., 2013; Libert & al. 2017],
  • several tools for unwrapping such as the largely used SNAPHU [Chen and Zebker 2002], a homemade branch cut algorithm [Goldstein et al. 1988; Derauw 1995], and a pre-unwrapping tool named DetPhun (exploratory tool),
  • specific tools for selecting and stitching swaths and bursts of interest from TOPSAR Sentinel 1 data,
  • tools for TOPSAR coherence tracking, or spectral coherence estimation
  • adaptive filtering and masking procedure, automatic layover masking …

In the AMSTer repository, you will find more scripts in SCRIPTS_MT than what is required for a "normal" use of AMSTer because this is the copy of my development scripts directory. Hence it also contains several scripts and tools that you may never need.

Nevertheless, if you need a specific tool that wouldn't be documented in the manual, feel free to let me know ( There are high chances that some of these several scripts may be able to do what you need. And if not, with a little bit of luck, it might be easy for me to adapt some of these existing scripts to satisfy your needs. At least I can try on the best effort basis...



"AMSTer: SAR & InSAR Automated Mass processing Software for Multidimensional Time series" © 2023 by Nicolas d'Oreye, Dominique Derauw, Sergey Samsonov, Delphine Smittarello, Maxime Jaspard and Gilles Celli is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International).

You are free to: Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms: Attribution - You must give appropriate credit , provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made . You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. NonCommercial - You may not use the material for commercial purposes. ShareAlike - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. No additional restrictions - You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Notices: You do not have to comply with the license for elements of the material in the public domain or where your use is permitted by an applicable exception or limitation . No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your intended use. For example, other rights such as publicity, privacy, or moral rights may limit how you use the material.

Moreover, MSBAS is licensed to the

Because AMSTer Software is licensed free of charge, there is no warranty for the program.



Please cite at least the following references. More can be found in /AMSTer_Distribution/DOC/How_To_Cite_AMSTer.txt

Derauw D., d’Oreye N., Jaspard M., Caselli A. and Samsonov S. (2020) Ongoing automated Ground Deformation monitoring of Domuyo – Laguna del Maule area (Argentina) using Sentinel-1 MSBAS time series: Methodology description and first observations for the period 2015 – 2020. J. South Am. Earth Sc., Vol. 104, 102850. Freely available here:

d’Oreye N., D. Derauw, S. Samsonov, M. Jaspard, D. Smittarello (2021) MASTER: A FULL AUTOMATIC MULTI-SATELLITE INSAR MASS PROCESSING TOOL FOR RAPID INCREMENTAL 2D GROUND DEFORMATION TIME SERIES. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2021, Brussels

Samsonov S. (2019) User manual, source code, and test set for MSBASv3 (Multidimensional Small Baseline Subset version 3) for one- and two-dimensional deformation analysis

Developpers of AMSTer:


Nicolas d'Oreye [1,2] (AMSTer Toolbox)
Dominique Derauw [3,4] (AMSTer Engine)
Sergey Samsonov [5] (MSBAS)
Delphine Smittarello [1] (modules for pair selection optimisation, recursive unwrapping...)
Maxime Jaspard [1] (web interface)
Gilles Celli [1,2] (downloaders, compilation issues...)

[1] European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology, Luxembourg
[2] National Museum of Natural History, Luxembourg
[3] Centre Spatial de Liège, Université de Liège, Belgium
[4] SAREOS, Belgium 
[5] Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, Canada

The development of the AMSTer Software commenced in the early 2010s and leveraged the capabilities of various pre-existing tools, including the CSL InSAR suite, which was fully remastered to be the MasTerEngine, then AMSTer Engine. Over time, the AMSTer Software underwent incremental enhancements, both independently and within the context of numerous projects, notably (unsorted), RESIST, MUZUBI, GEORISCA, SMMIP, TIGRES, ECTIC, MODUS, VERSUS, advInSAR, Vi-X... These projects were primarily funded by the Belgian Scientific Policy (BelSPo) and the Luxembourgish Fond National de la Recherche (FNR).



  • New in V 20241203:

    1. AMSTer Engine 20241203:
    • getSRTMDEM now replaces agregateSRTMfiles. It allows downloading SRTM tiles and stitch them in a DEM formatted for AMSTer (including referencing to ellipsoid) and creates water bodies mask.
    • New masking strategy and convention: 0 means keep; 1 means always masked (in a geographical mask); 2 means masked at unwrapping unless coherence is above a given threshold; 3 means masked to compute the phase ramp to remove at detrending step.
    1. MSBAS version for full 3D inversion (only valid when enough LOS diversity is available, e.g. when right and left looking sensor - for test and development use only)
    2. AMSTer Toolbox scripts:
    • multi-level masking
    • Procedure for performing msbas inversion in two parts (see also example of cron script
    • Possibility to read only the bursts of S1 data overlapping the kml of interest
    • New example of cron scripts to perform 3D inversion: application to Funu land slide (RD Congo)
    • minor bugs and corrections
    • New small tools:
      • to check NaN's in all maps in dir at a given pixel X Y coordinates (
      • for making raster files based on envi files (
      • to compare (double difference) time series of a msbas inversion performed in 2 parts and in full (
      • to search for all products made with AMSTer Engine version > given date (
      • to check that all files ending with "deg" in the current dir has another file ending with ".hdr" extension. It also checks that there is no "hdr" file without "deg" file (
      • to compute variogram of a velocity map (
      • to remove pairs with Bt above a given threshold in DefoModei.txt or restrictedPairSelection[_DefoInterpolx2Detrendi].txt ( and
      • to check pairs processed twice, as MAS_SLV and SLV_MAS (
      • for changing 255 in 0 and 0 in 1 in envi byte file ( or swap 0 and 1 in mask files in bytes (
    1. Manual updated accordingly
  • New in V 20240730:

    1. AMSTer Engine 20240427: new S1 downloading, reading (incl. from zip files), orbit managment; proper handling of Left looking sensors
    2. Scripts for performing 3D inversion (either when displacement is expected along the steepest slopes like for landslides, or when enough looking diversity is available)
    3. Updated and improved installer
    4. Several minor imporvements or small corrections in scripts.
    5. Some new tools e.g. to test and compare baseline plots, compute Earth to satellite unit vectors, replot Double Difference time series after cron step 3 etc...
    6. New example of script to download S1 images on new ESA server (since ESA dataspace replaces Scihub)
    7. Updated examples of crons scripts (illustrated for Domuyo)
    8. Add slides of 2024 training course
    9. Update of manuals according to points above
  • New in V 20231215:

    1. AMSTer Engine 20231213 copes with new ESA server for downloading S1 orbits (since Nov 2023).
    2. Installer (and check installation) scripts updated to cope with new procedure required for the new ESA dataspace server
    3. New example of script to download S1 images on new ESA server (since Nov 2023)
    4. Examples of crons scripts (illustrated for Domuyo) redesigned with more variables rather than hard coded lines throughout the scripts
    5. Examples of crons scripts (illustrated for Domuyo) redesigned for dual criteria used to compute baseline plots in order to accomodate changes in orbital tube after loss of S1B
    6. cosmetic changes in creation of amplitude images (compute min max from gdalinfo rather than fixed values)
    7. Update of manuals according to points above
  • New in V 20231107:

    1. Rebranding Master as AMSTer.
  • New in V 20231024:

    1. Scripts now allows preparing msbas inversion based on tables resulting from a Delaunay Traingulation and/or x-shortest connections, and/or baseline criterias pairs selections.
  • New in V 20231003: Because this new version includes major changes (also in the structure), it is highly recommended to perform a new installation with the installer (

    1. Some important files were renamed (e.g., some files were moved in more appropriate directories and some directories were renamed for more clarity (like where to store some scripts or parameters files).
    2. The MasTer Toolbox is now distributed on a public GitHub repository and covered by a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. A discussions group was also implemented on Github. Do not hesitate to visit and ask or contribute.
    3. A new section entiteled "troubleshooting" was started in the manual... To be continued...
    4. New tools to select the pairs for the mass processing (now possible with Delaunay triangulation or x-shortests connections in addition to the existing baselines lengths criteria)
    5. Major change in the mask handling: now mask pixels 0 = always keep ; 1 = always mask and 2 = mask if coherence is lower than COHCLNTHRESH parameter at unwrapping
    6. New way to manage hard-coded lines in scripts: now they are all listed in a file named (see manual)
    7. Bug fixed in geocoding (half a pixel offset was introduced in a former version of MasTer Engine several months ago...)
    8. Several new scripts and small tools (see e.g. chapter 8 and 9 in manual)
    9. New way for MasTer Engine to read Sentinel-1 Wide Swath images. The former and the new methods can be used together though.
    10. The manuals were updated accordingly
    11. The __LaunchMTparam.txt was updated accordingly
  • New in V 20230421:

    1. Scripts:
    • add CSK 2nd generation and correct/improve reading of several formats
    • now can build basline plot and pair selection table based on a second sets of temporal and spatial baseline criteria from a given table. This is unseful e.g. since the lost of S1B, which may require to increase the orbital tube
    • installer: use g++ to compile msbas
    • Linux: replace Helvetica font now unavailable for convert function used in some scripts to build time series grpahs
    • several cosmetic and minor imporvements in various scripts
    • several corrections and improvements in cron job scripts
    • addition of small utilities
    1. msbas: compilation with g++ in Linux
    2. MasTer Engine:
    • some add/corrections in DataReaders (ERS, RS1, RS2 CSK 2nd generation)
    • some parallelistaion are now possible (S1 Coregistration)
    1. DOC:
    • revised and updated according to recent changes
  • New in V 20230828 (non exhaustive list...):

    1. Scripts:
    • Important changes in directories and file naming
    • Add optimisation module
    • Manage hard coded lines in scripts by sourcing a single file containing the hard coded lines
    • Several modifictions to cope with recent upgrades in MasTer Engine
    • Some new tools
    1. msbas: source code for msbas 3D and 4D inversions. These are however not (yet) integrated within the MasTer Toolbox scripts
    2. MasTer Engine:
    • new way to read S1 images in IW
    • half pixel offset bug in geoprojection removed
    • more parallelistaion are now possible
    • takes into account new CSK format
    • can force UTM zone at geoprojection
    1. DOC:
    • revised and updated according to recent changes


This AMSTer Software is dedicated to automatic SAR/InSAR mass processing for amplitude, coherence or deformation time series. It can also perform single interferometric tasks. It is based on C and C++ software for InSAR processing and MSBAS inversion, wrapped with bash and python scripts for automation.






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