This is a python3 project you can use with the MineClone2 game for Minetest.
This project take an image and output a WorldEdit shematic featuring MineClone2 blocks that matched the colors of image the best.
First, clone this project on your computer:
git clone
cd ./MineClone2_MapArt
Make sure dependencies are installed:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the main script on an image:
python3 ./ path-to-image path-output
You will get a WorldEdit shematic at path-output
These files may not be 100% up to date with MineClone2 master branch then you clone the repository, or you may want to use an old MineClone2 version.
In these cases, you will need to regenerate them:
First of all, you will need to update the list of survival-usable solid construction blocks:
Link the generate_json_blocks mod to the mods folder of your minetest installation.
Then, create a world with the MineClone2 game, enable the mod on it and jaunch the game.
The game should close after the media loading part.
You should now notice that the availlable_blocks.json
in the generate_json_blocks
folder has changed.
Then, you should now calculate the average color of each texture of each availlable block:
Run the
file with the path where MineClone2 is installed as param.
python3 /path-to-mineclone2
It should output something like that:
Finding files...
Files: 233
You should also notice that the block_colors.json
file has been updated.
You can now convert images that will make use of the all new block_colors.json