A 3D tic-tac-toe written in Python as part of the 2018 object oriented programming course at Centralesupélec.
The game is multi-player only: you need to run two game instances to be able to play (a "server" and a "client"). The client needs to manually enter the IP address of the server to connect. If the server and the client are on the same computer, leave the default join address as it is already set to (localhost).
- Armand Bouvier
- Sylvestre Prabakaran
- Gabriel Moneyron
This software project has been written in Python 3, so you need it to run the game.
requirements.txt lists all the python modules needed for this project. Running pip install -r requirements.txt
will install them automatically.
You also need to install the Tkinter library. Most likely, it is already installed if you have Python 3. If not, see this installation guide
The game uses the port 12800 with TCP. So try to open it if it seems you can't connect to another game.
Launch main.py to start the game. Commands are written on screen
- A 3D tic-tac-toe game engine
- Game sizes can go from 3x3x3 to 9x9x9!
- A basic 3D engine with points, polygons and even meshes
- An interface using Pygame
- Games over network
- A low config mode if the 3D engine written in Python does not run well on your computer