Find how your mypy
change affects mypy
's open issues.
Use cases:
on a more varied corpus.- broad changes that might fix several issues.
- seeing what issues might be fixed between two revisions.
- statistics on issues by editing
Future ideas:
- compare crashes
- do paths change?
- did one version crash and the other didn't?
- decrease noisiness of results
- decrease startup costs
- bulk generate temp files for issues before running
on all of them? - upstream changes? (copy sorbet and have typeshed already cached?)
- maybe there's a flag?
- bulk generate temp files for issues before running
- remove closed issues when running
There are two modes: downloading everything from mypy
's issue tracker and getting the diff in output. To download everything from mypy
's issue tracker, all you need is:
$ python -m venv generation-venv
$ . ./generation-venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python
If you run into ratelimits, then create a GitHub Personal Access Token. The ratelimits are as follows:
- without a PAT: 60 requests an hour
- with a PAT: 5000 requests an hour, across your whole account
should only make 3600 requests an hour at most, meaning it should never hit a ratelimit. Additionally, it will only fetch new issue comments if rerun.
$ python -m venv venv1
$ python -m venv venv2
# NOTE: The above names are hardcoded in the script.
$ ./venv1/bin/pip install git+
$ ./venv2/bin/pip install git+[you]/mypy.git@[whatever]
# get a specific PR with:
$ ./venv2/bin/pip install git+[whatever]/merge
# ... and finally:
$ python
doesn't need any dependencies. Additionally, I'm not sure how long it takes to compare mypy
s; I've just left my computer running overnight in the past.