GoDoX extracts comments from Go code based on keywords
go get -u github.com/766b/godox
Any comment lines starting with TODO
or FIX
(or other specified keywords, case insensitive) are extracted. If TODO
comments is longer that 1 line, then only first line will be extracted.
$ godox [<flags>] [<path>...]
$ godox -help
-keys string
Change keywords (default "todo,bug,fix")
$ godox ./path/to/directory ./path/to/secondary/directory
example.go:3:1:TODO: Implement io.Writer interface
example.go:7:14:TODO: Rename field
example.go:10:1:TODO: Add JWT verification
example.go:15:3:FIX: Something that is broken
gometalinter --linter=godox:godox -keys=todo,fix:PATH:LINE:COL:MESSAGE --enable=godox [<flags>] [<path>...]
To use GoDoX
with VS Code
you need to have Go Meta Linter installed, then add following to your User Settings (Ctrl+,)
"go.lintTool": "gometalinter",
"go.lintFlags": [
"--disable-all", // Disable all linters
"--enable=golint", // Enable any other linters you want to use
If you want to use custom keywords, use following line:
"--linter=`godox:godox -keys=bug,todo,fixme:PATH:LINE:COL:MESSAGE`",