matterbridge v1.22.2
- general: Add a MessageClipped option to set your own clipped message. Closes #1359 (#1487)
- discord: Add AllowMention to restrict allowed mentions (#1462)
- matrix: Add MxId/Token login option for Matrix (#1438)
- nctalk: Support sending file URLs (nctalk) (#1489)
- nctalk: Add support for message deletion (nctalk) (#1492)
- whatsapp: Handle document messages (whatsapp) (#1475)
- general: Update vendored libs
- matrix: Fix content body issue for redactions (matrix) (#1496)
- telegram: Add libwebp-dev to tgs.Dockerfile fixes Telegram sticker to WebP rendering (#1476)
- whatsapp: Rename .jpe files to .jpg Fixes #1463 (whatsapp) (#1485)
- whatsapp: Fix crash on encountering VideoMessage (whatsapp) (#1483)
This release couldn't exist without the following contributors:
@AvinashReddy3108, @chrisbobbe, @jaywink, @Funatiker, @computeronix, @alexandregv, @gary-kim, @SuperSandro2000