Kazoo Configs Changes
Changes to 4.0 after version 4.0.3
Maintenance/Community Commits
- karl anderson Merge branch 'master' into 4.0
- karl anderson better scale
- karl anderson Merge branch 'master' into 4.0
- karl anderson better scale
- karl anderson Merge branch 'master' into 4.0
- karl anderson update readme
- karl anderson Merge branch 'master' into 4.0
- karl anderson remove console backend due to avoid queue backups
- Mark Magnusson/lazedo 26203: add config to pass source-ip (#121) * 26203: add config to pass source-ip * add source port also
- powerpbx/bitbashing Fix rabbitmq not starting on reboot (#117)
- powerpbx/bitbashing fix systemd (#119) I do not think CentOS v7 supports multiple "After" lines. Also, without network-online.target, Freeswitch does not start correctly. The symptom was that Kamailio does not see freeswitch after reboot until freeswitch is restarted.