1Flow is a leading in-app user survey and messaging platform for Mobile app and SaaS businesses.
Using 1Flow, you can reach users in-the-moment while they are interacting with your website or application, to collect highly contextual user insights that help you improve your product offering and customer experience
This destination is maintained by 1Flow. For any issues with the destination, contact Support team.
If gradle version is 6.5 or lower, include the below repository in your project's build.gradle file:
maven{url 'https://jitpack.io'}
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven{url 'https://jitpack.io'}
compileSdkVersion 34
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 21
dependencies {
implementation 'com.segment.analytics.android:analytics:4.11.3'
implementation 'com.github.1Flow-Inc:segment-1flow-android:2023.09.26'
Analytics analytics = new Analytics.Builder(context, "YOUR_WRITE_KEY_HERE")
An example call would look like:
Analytics.with(context).identify("peter@example.com", new Traits().putName("Peter Gibbons"), null);
When you call identify method of segment, it will be equivalent to logUser
of 1Flow. userId
will be userID
and traits
will be userDetails
An example call would look like:
Any value passed in name
, will be eventName and if you have passed any event property, then it will be event parameters
Send Screenview events to record which mobile app screens users have viewed. For example:
Analytics.with(context).screen(null, "Home");
Segment sends Screen calls to 1Flow as a screen_[name]
event (or screen_view
if a screen name isn't provided).