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Pure C++17 end-to-end Neural Network framework to facilitate the construction, training, and evaluation of custom model architectures with a collection of preprocessing utilities and built-in autograd components

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C++17 Autograd Neural Network Framework



A flexible and extensible framework in pure C++17 designed to facilitate the construction, training, and evaluation of Neural Networks. Inspired by modern Deep Learning frameworks like PyTorch and TensorFlow, this project provides:

  • A collection of modular components with an automatic differentiation engine as essential building blocks for experimenting with custom model architectures.
  • A foundational understanding of how Neural Network and its computational graph can be implemented from scratch, offering insights into the underlying mechanics of forward and backward propagation, gradient computation using chain rule, and its optimization using Gradient Descent.

This project serves both educational purposes for those interested in understanding the internals of Neural Networks and practical applications where a lightweight, efficient, and customizable framework is needed.

Key Features

  • Pure C++17 Implementation: No external dependencies, leveraging modern C++ features for efficient. Memory management is handled using smart pointers (std::shared_ptr), minimizing the risk of memory leaks.
  • Tensor Operations: Support for tensor arithmetic with automatic gradient tracking, which performs and manipulates mathematical operations with tensors, like +, *, or activation functions, etc.
    • Automatic Differentiation: Automatically compute gradients efficiently during backpropagation.
    • Activation Functions: Include common activation functions like sigmoid, tanh, relu, and softmax.
  • Sequential Model: A high-level API similar to TensorFlow for building and training Neural Network models using a sequential stack of layers.
    • Batch Processing: Support for training models with Mini-batch Gradient Descent.
    • Loss Functions: Implementations of standard loss functions like Mean Squared Error or Binary/Categorical Cross-Entropy Loss.
    • Evaluation Metrics: Functions to evaluate the performance of models using metrics like accuracy.
    • Learning Rate Scheduler: Offer schedulers for dynamic learning rate adjustment during training.
    • Logging: Tools for model summarizing, monitoring, and logging training progress like TensorFlow's Model.summary()
  • Data Preprocessing: Utilities for loading, shuffling, splitting, scaling, and encoding datasets like in scikit-learn.

Quick Started

I have included some example scripts demonstrating how to use the engine. Compile any of these following and run the executable:

Example Description Compile and Run
backward_test.cpp Demonstrate/verify the correctness of auto-differentiation by calculating the gradients of a simple computation graph.
g++ backward_test.cpp -o verify
train_cubic.cpp Train a Neural Network to approximate a cubic function y = 2xΒ³ + 3xΒ² - 3x, demonstrating regression capabilities.
g++ train_cubic.cpp -o train_cubic
train_iris.cpp Load, preprocess, and train a Neural Network for multi-class classification on the Iris dataset using one-hot encoding.
g++ train_iris.cpp -o train_iris
train_mnist.cpp Similar to train_iris.cpp, but train a model on the MNIST dataset for digit recognition with pixels as input features.
g++ train_mnist.cpp -o train_mnist

*[Note] Before running, ensure that:

  • You have a C++17 (or higher) compatible compiler.
  • The Iris and MNIST datasets are available in the specified data directory. Here, I just simply use their .csv files directly from Kaggle.

Core Components

The engine is organized into several header files (.hpp) located in the n2n_autograd folder, each including classes and functions responsible for different aspects of the Neural Network and auto-differentiation operations.

Table of Contents:

I. tensor.hpp | Tensor Class and Auto-differentiation Engine πŸ”

Contain the Tensor class, a core data structure of the autograd engine, representing a node or scalar value in the computation graph. It supports automatic differentiation by recording/maintaining references to its child tensors and the operations that produced them.

When operations are performed on tensors (e.g., addition, multiplication), new tensors are created, and the graph is dynamically built. During backpropagation, the gradients with respect to each Tensor are computed by traversing this graph in reverse topological order.

Here, the local_backward function will specify how the gradient is computed locally for the Tensor based on its children. For example, in multiplication, the gradient with respect to each operand is the product of the other operand and the upstream gradient.

1.1. Internal pointers and functions for tracking operations and dependencies πŸ”

  • function<void(const Tensor*)> local_backward: Lambda function to compute local gradients with respect to the Tensor.
  • set<TensorPtr> children: A set of child nodes (tensors) in the computational graph that are inputs to the operation producing this Tensor.
  • string operation: The operation that produced this Tensor.

πŸ‘‰ vector<Tensor*> topological_sort(): Performs a topological sort of the computation graph, returning nodes in the order they should be processed during backpropagation.

1.2. Public Members πŸ”

  • double data: The numerical value of the Tensor.
  • double gradient: The accumulated gradient computed during backpropagation.
  • string label: An optional label for identification.

πŸ‘‰ Constructors:

  • Tensor(double _data, const string _label = ""): Initializes a Tensor with a value and an optional label.
  • Tensor(double _data, const set<TensorPtr>& _children, const string& _operation): Initializes a Tensor resulting from an operation.

πŸ‘‰ Operator Supports with Automatic Gradient Tracking:

  • Arithmetic operations: +, -, *, /, pow.
  • Unary operations: -, exp, log.
  • Activation Functions: sigmoid, tanh, relu.
    • static TensorPtr create(double _data, string _label = ""): Static Factory method to create a shared pointer to a Tensor.
    • void backward(): Performs backpropagation to compute gradients for all tensors throughout the computation graph using reverse-mode automatic differentiation.

1.3. Usage Example πŸ”

Create tensors and perform operations as you would with scalar values. Call the backward() method on the final output Tensor to compute gradients.

auto x = Tensor::create(2.0, "x");
auto w = Tensor::create(3.0, "w");
auto y = x * w;

cout << "Gradient of x: " << x->gradient << endl; // Outputs 3.0
cout << "Gradient of w: " << w->gradient << endl; // Outputs 2.0

II. layers.hpp | Neural Network Layers πŸ”

Defines classes for Neural Network layers and neurons, including parameter initialization.

2.1. class Initializers πŸ”

Weight initialization is critical in Neural Network training. Proper initialization helps in preventing issues like vanishing/exploding gradients, ensuring that the network learns effectively from the beginning of training.

  • static double random_uniform(double low, double high): Generate a random number uniformly distributed between [low; high].
  • static double he_uniform(int fan_in, int fan_out): Initialize weights using the He initialization method, suitable for layers with relu activation functions. It calculates the limit using sqrt(6 / fan_in).
  • static double glorot_uniform(int fan_in, int fan_out): Initialize weights using the Glorot (Xavier) initialization method, suitable for layers with sigmoid or tanh activation functions. It calculates the limit using sqrt(6 / (fan_in + fan_out)).

he_uniform and glorot_uniform are commonly used initialization methods in practice. They generate a random number between [-limit; limit] with fan_in as the number of input units and fan_out as the number of output units.

2.2. class Neuron πŸ”

Represent a single neuron within a layer with weights and bias. It also supports custom initialization and activation functions, allowing for flexibility in defining the neuron's behavior.

  • function<double()> initializer: Function used to initialize weights and bias.
  • vector<TensorPtr> weights: Weights associated with the neuron's inputs.
  • TensorPtr bias: Bias term for the neuron.
  • string activation: Activation function.
  • string name: Name identifier for the neuron.
  • vector<TensorPtr> parameters: Collection of the neuron's parameters (weights and bias).

πŸ‘‰ Constructor:

Neuron(int input_size, const string &_activation = "", function<double()> init_func = nullptr, const string &_name = "Neuron");
  • input_size: Number of inputs to the neuron.
  • _activation: Activation function to apply (sigmoid, tanh, relu, linear, or softmax).
  • init_func: Function to initialize weights and bias.
  • _name: A name for the neuron.

It will create a weight and a bias Tensor for each input, initializing them using the initializer. If no initializer is provided, a default uniform random initializer between [-1; 1] is used. These weights and bias are stored in the parameters vector.

πŸ‘‰ TensorPtr forward(const vector<TensorPtr>& inputs):

  • Compute the neuron's output given the TensorPtr inputs.
  • Calculate the weighted sum of inputs and adds the bias.
  • Apply the activation function if specified in the Constructor.

πŸ‘‰ vector<TensorPtr>& get_parameters(): Return references to the neuron's parameters (weights and bias).

2.3. class Dense πŸ”

Model a fully connected (Dense) layer in a Neural Network. It manages a collection of Neurons, their parameters, and the forward pass computation. By specifying the activation function and initializer, you can customize the behavior of the layer to match your network architecture.

  • function<double()> initializer: Function used to initialize weights and biases of the neurons.
  • vector<Neuron> neurons: Collection of neurons within the layer.
  • vector<TensorPtr> parameters: Collection of the layer's parameters.
  • int input_size: Number of inputs to the layer.
  • int output_size: Number of outputs (neurons) in the layer.
  • string activation: Activation function used by the neurons.
  • string name: Name identifier for the layer.

πŸ‘‰ Constructor:

Dense(int _input_size, int _output_size, const string &_activation = "", function<double(int, int)> init_func = nullptr, const string &_name = "Dense");
  • input_size: Number of input features to the layer.
  • output_size: Number of neurons (outputs) in the layer.
  • _activation: Activation function name for the neurons (sigmoid, tanh, relu, linear, or softmax).
  • init_func: Function to initialize weights.
  • _name: Name identifier for the layer.

It creates the specified number of neurons, each initialized accordingly:

  • If an initializer is provided, use it to initialize the neurons.
  • Collect all parameters from the neurons into the parameters vector.

πŸ‘‰ vector<TensorPtr> forward(const vector<TensorPtr>& inputs):

Compute layer's outputs for all neurons in the layer given input tensors:

  • For each neurons, calls its forward method with the inputs.
  • Collects the outputs from all neurons into a vector.
  • Handles special cases like softmax, where activation is applied across the entire layer.

πŸ‘‰ vector<TensorPtr>& get_parameters(): Return a reference to the layer's parameters for all neurons in the layer.

πŸ‘‰ Getter Methods:

  • const int& get_input_size(): Return the input_size of the layer.
  • const int& get_output_size(): Return the output_size of the layer.
  • const string& get_name(): Return the layer's name.
  • const string& get_activation(): Return the activation function's name used by the layer.

2.4. Usage Example πŸ”

Create a Dense layer with 2 input features and 3 output neurons using the relu activation function. The weights and bias of the neurons are initialized using the He initializer.

Dense layer(2, 3, "relu", Initializers::he_uniform, "HiddenLayer");
auto inputs = vector<TensorPtr>{Tensor::create(1.0), Tensor::create(2.0)};
auto outputs = layer.forward(inputs);

III. models.hpp | Neural Network Model and Training Utilities πŸ”

Combine all components to define, train, and evaluate a Neural Network model. It handles data flow through the layers, computation of loss and metrics, parameter updates with forward/backward passes, and provides utilities for monitoring training progress.


3.1. class Sequential<OutputType> (like TensorFlow) πŸ”

A templated class representing a sequential Neural Network model composed of layers, where the type of the model's output (OutputType) is either TensorPtr (for regression or binary classification) or vector<TensorPtr> (for multi-class classification).

  • static constexpr int output_index: Determines the index for accessing outputs based on OutputType.
  • vector<TensorPtr> parameters: Collection of all trainable parameters in the model.
  • vector<Dense> layers: Layers constituting the model.
  • function<TensorPtr(const vector<OutputType>&, const vector<OutputType>&)> loss_func: The loss function used during training.
  • unordered_map<string, function<double(const YTruesVariant&, const YPredsVariant&)>> metric_funcs: Map of metric functions for evaluation.
  • unordered_map<string, vector> history: Records of training history, including loss and metrics.

πŸ‘‰ Constructor:

Sequential(const vector<Dense> &_layers, function<TensorPtr(const vector<OutputType> &, const vector<OutputType> &)> _loss_func, unordered_map<string, function<double(const YTruesVariant &, const YPredsVariant &)>> _metric_funcs = {});
  • _layers: A vector of Dense layers defining the model architecture.
  • _loss_func: Loss function to use.
  • metric_funcs: An optional map of metric functions for evaluation.

Initialize the sequential model with specified layers (collect all parameters from the provided layers), loss function, and optional metrics associated with a training history.

πŸ‘‰ void train(const vector<vector>& X_train, const YTruesVariant& y_train, const int& epochs = 100, const variant<LearningRateScheduler, double>&* learning_rate = 0.01, const int& batch_size = 1, const double& clip_value = 0.0):

  • X_train: Training data features.
  • y_train: Training data labels.
  • epochs: Number of training epochs.
  • learning_rate: Learning rate or scheduler used for optimization.
  • batch_size: Number of samples per training batch.
  • clip_value: Gradient clipping threshold.
image image

πŸ‘‰ vector<PredDataType> predict(const vector<vector>& X): Perform forward passes through the model for each input sample. Then, collect and return the predictions for the given input data.

πŸ‘‰ void summary(): Print a summary of model architecture, including layers, output shapes, and parameter counts.

πŸ‘‰ vector<TensorPtr>& get_parameters(): Accesses all trainable parameters in the model.

πŸ‘‰ unordered_map<string, vector>& get_history(): Retrieve the training history including loss and metrics.

3.2. Usage Example πŸ”

Instantiate a Sequential model with a desired architecture, loss function, and metrics. Train the model on the provided data and evaluate its performance.

Sequential<vector<TensorPtr>> model(
  { // input_size, output_size, activation, initializer, name
    Dense(input_size, 8, "relu", Initializers::he_uniform, "Dense0"), 
    Dense(8, 4, "relu", Initializers::he_uniform, "Dense1"),
    Dense(4, num_classes, "softmax", Initializers::he_uniform, "Dense2")
  Loss::categorical_crossentropy,   // Loss function for multi-class classification
  {{"accuracy", Metrics::accuracy}} // Metric dictionary for evaluation
model.summary(); // Print model summary
model.train(X_train, y_train, epochs, learning_rate, batch_size);
auto predictions = model.predict(X_test);

IV. losses.hpp | Loss Functions for guiding optimization process πŸ”

Define common loss functions used during the training of Neural Networks, essential for quantifying the difference or calculating the error between the model's predictions (y_preds) and actual values (y_trues).

4.1. class Loss πŸ”

  • static TensorPtr mean_squared_error(const vector<TensorPtr>& y_trues, const vector<TensorPtr>& y_preds): Compute the Mean Squared Error (MSE) between predicted and true values.

    • y_trues: vector of true values as TensorPtr.
    • y_preds: vector of predicted values as TensorPtr.
  • static TensorPtr binary_crossentropy(const vector<TensorPtr>& y_trues, const vector<TensorPtr>& y_preds): Compute the Binary Cross-Entropy loss for binary classification tasks with sigmoid activation.

    • y_trues: vector of true binary labels as TensorPtr.
    • y_preds: vector of predicted probabilities as TensorPtr.
    • It uses the formula -(y_true * log(y_pred) + (1 - y_true) * log(1 - y_pred)) and averages the loss over all samples.
  • static TensorPtr categorical_crossentropy(const vector<vector<TensorPtr>>& y_trues, const vector<vector<TensorPtr>>& y_preds): Computes the Categorical Cross-Entropy loss for multi-class classification tasks with one-hot encoded labels and softmax activation.

    • y_trues: vector of vectors representing true one-hot encoded labels as TensorPtr.
    • y_preds: vector of vectors representing predicted probabilities as TensorPtr.
    • It uses the formula -sum(y_true * log(y_pred)) and averages the loss over all samples.

4.2. Usage Example πŸ”

Choose an appropriate loss function based on the problem type (regression or binary/multi-class classification).

Sequential<vector<TensorPtr>> model(layers, Loss::categorical_crossentropy);
TensorPtr loss = Loss::mean_squared_error(y_true_tensors, y_pred_tensors);

V. metrics.hpp | Metric Functions for Model Evaluation πŸ”

Provides functions to calculate evaluation metrics for model performance, such as accuracy.

5.1. class Metrics πŸ”

  • double accuracy(const YTruesVariant& y_trues, const YPredsVariant& y_preds)
    • y_trues: variant type holding true labels, either as a vector (for binary classification) or a vector<vector> (vector of one-hot encoded vectors for multi-class classification).
    • y_preds: variant type holding predicted labels in matching format.
    • It calculates the proportion of correct predictions for both binary and multi-class classification:
      • For binary classification, thresholds predicted probabilities at 0.5 to determine predicted classes.
      • For multi-class classification with one-hot encoded labels, it compares the index of the maximum value in the predicted probabilities with the true label index.

5.2. Usage Example πŸ”

Evaluate the model's performance using the accuracy metric.

double acc = Metrics::accuracy(y_true, y_pred);
cout << "Accuracy: " << acc << endl;

VI. optim.hpp | Optimizers and Learning Rate Schedulers πŸ”

Define components for optimizing the model's parameters during training

6.1. class LearningRateScheduler πŸ”

Learning rate scheduling is an effective technique to improve training convergence and performance. This is an abstract base class for defining custom learning rate schedulers.

  • double initial_learning_rate: The starting learning rate.
  • string name: Name of the scheduler.

πŸ‘‰ Constructor: LearningRateScheduler(double initial_lr, string name);

πŸ‘‰ Pure Virtual Method to compute lr at a given training step: virtual double operator()(int step) = 0.

6.2. class WarmUpAndDecayScheduler πŸ”

A concrete implementation of LearningRateScheduler that warms up the learning rate and then decays it exponentially.

  • int warmup_steps: Number of steps to warm up.
  • int decay_steps: Number of steps over which to decay the learning rate.
  • double decay_rate: Rate at which the learning rate decays.

πŸ‘‰ Constructor:

WarmUpAndDecayScheduler(double initial_lr, int warmup_steps, int decay_steps, double decay_rate, string name = "WarmUpAndDecayScheduler");
  • initial_lr: Initial learning rate.
  • warmup_steps: Number of steps to linearly increase the learning rate.
  • decay_steps: Number of steps to decay the learning rate exponentially.
  • decay_rate: Rate at which the learning rate decays.
  • name: Name of the scheduler.

πŸ‘‰ double operator()(int step):

Computes the learning rate at a specific step.

  • If the current step is within the warm-up phase, increase the learning rate linearly.
  • After the warm-up, decay the learning rate exponentially based on the decay rate and number of decay steps.

6.3. Usage Example πŸ”

Use a scheduler to adjust the learning rate during training dynamically.

LearningRateScheduler *lr_scheduler = new WarmUpAndDecayScheduler(0.1, 5, 10, 0.9);
model.train(X_train, y_train, epochs, lr_scheduler, batch_size);
delete lr_scheduler;

VII. preprocess.hpp | Data Preprocessing Utilities πŸ”

Provides functions and classes for data loading and preprocessing.

7.1. Data Loading πŸ”

πŸ‘‰ pair<vector<vector<any>>, vector<any>> Xy_from_csv(const string& file_path, int y_idx = -1, bool header = false):

  • file_path: Path to the CSV file.
  • y_idx: Index of the target column (default is the last column). Negative values count from the end.
  • header: Indicate if the CSV has a header row.

It will read the CSV file line by line, parse each cell and convert them to any using str_to_any. Then, it separates features and target variables, handling both numerical and categorical data (encode string class labels to int indices).

7.2. Data Shuffling and Splitting πŸ”

πŸ‘‰ pair<vector<vector<any>>, vector<any>> shuffle_data(const vector<vector>& X, const vector& y): Generate a random permutation of indices, then reorder X and y according to the shuffled indices.

πŸ‘‰ tuple<vector<vector<any>>, vector<vector<any>>, vector<any>, vector<any>> train_test_split(const vector<vector<any>>& X, const vector<any>& y, float test_size = 0.2):

  • Shuffle the data, then split X and y into training and testing sets based on the specified test_size as the proportion of the dataset to include in the test split.
  • return: X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test.

7.3. class StandardScaler πŸ”

Standardizes input features by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance:

  • vector means: Mean values of each feature calculated from the training data.
  • vector stds: Standard deviations for each feature.

πŸ‘‰ vector<vector> fit_transform(const vector<vector>& X): Computes the means and stds for each feature, and scales the data.

πŸ‘‰ vector<vector> transform(const vector<vector>& X): Scales new data using previously computed means and stds from the training data.

7.4. Usage Example πŸ”

Prepare data before training to improve model performance.

auto [X_raw, y_raw] = Xy_from_csv("data.csv");
auto [X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test] = train_test_split(X_raw, y_raw, 0.2);

StandardScaler scaler;
auto X_train_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(X_train);
auto X_test_scaled = scaler.transform(X_test);

VIII. converters.hpp | Data Conversion Utilities πŸ”

Contain utility functions to facilitate the conversion of different data types commonly used in preprocessing, particularly when preparing data for training as well as inference by converting raw data into tensors suitable for model input.

8.1. any Conversion πŸ”

  • any str_to_any(const string& str): Converts a string to an any type, attempting to parse it as an int, double, or leaving it as a string based on its content.
  • double any_to_double(const any& input): Safely converts an any type (expected to hold an int or double) to a double, supporting both int and double internally.
  • vector<int> anys_to_ints(const vector& inputs): Converts a vector of any types (each expected to hold an int) to a vector of ints.
  • vector<double> anys_to_doubles(const vector& inputs): Converts a vector of any types (each expected to hold an int or double) to a vector of doubles.

8.2. One-Hot Encoding πŸ”

  • vector<vector<int>> anys_to_1hots(const vector& y_raw, int num_classes): Converts a vector of class labels to one-hot encoded vectors. It will create a vector of vectors (n_samples x num_classes), initialize all elements to 0, and set the index corresponding to each class label to 1 in the one-hot vector.
  • vector<vector<TensorPtr>> anys_to_1hot_tensors(const vector<any>& y_raw, int num_classes): Similar to above but return a vector of vectors (instead of int) containing TensorPtr representing one-hot encodings.

8.3. Tensor Conversion πŸ”

  • vector<TensorPtr> doubles_to_1d_tensors(const vector<double>& data): Converts a vector of doubles to a vector of 1D Tensor pointers by iterating over the data and creating a TensorPtr for each value.
  • vector<TensorPtr> doubles_to_2d_tensors(const vector<vector<double>>& data): Converts a 2D vector of doubles to a 2D vector of TensorPtr.

Potential Improvements

  • Extend Tensor Support: Implement support for multi-dimensional Tensor (Tensor with > 1 dimension).
  • Additional Layers: Add more types of layers such as convolutional layers and recurrent layers.
  • Optimizers: Implement more sophisticated optimization algorithms like Adam or RMSProp.
  • Concurrency: The code currently runs on a single thread. Multi-threading or GPU acceleration can be explored for more computational efficiency or performance improvements on large datasets.
  • Model Serialization: Add functionality to save and load trained models.


Pure C++17 end-to-end Neural Network framework to facilitate the construction, training, and evaluation of custom model architectures with a collection of preprocessing utilities and built-in autograd components







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