#Play By Post
###Description: This is a simple play by post forum for tabletop roleplaying games. This is primarily meant to be a fun way for me to learn PHP and MySQL.
To create the tables necessary for the database run the create_database_tables.sql script in the setup folder. Note that create_databse_tables.sql will not overwrite any existing tables!
To clear the database of existing tables (so that the tables can be updated) run the drop_database_tables.sql script in the setup folder.
To update a single table SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;
and then drop the table
that needs to be updated and run the create_database_tables.sql script.
###Goals: ####Completed:
- Log in system
- Basic look for website
- Creating an account
- Database structure for users, characters, and games
- Page for list of games
- Page for list of characters
- Documentation of all PHP (to a reasonable extent)
####Short Term Plans:
- Implement forum
- Document MySQL queries
- Create special tag to show text to only particular people in post
- Create special tag for d20 die roll
####Long Term Plans:
- Creating games
- Creating characters
- Editing characters
- Page for user profile