const introduction = {
name: "Jay Patrick Cano",
profession: "Self-taught Developer",
location: "Philippines",
passions: ["Building with the MERN Stack", "Continuous Learning"],
skills: ["HTML", "CSS", "JavaScript", "Node.js", "Express.js", "React.js", "MongoDB"],
portfolio: "",
github: "",
socialMedia: [""],
quote: "Programming knowledge is the key to unlocking the power of a god. ~ 0x3EF8"
const introduceMyself = ({ name, profession, location, passions, skills, portfolio, github, socialMedia, quote }) => {
console.log(`Hi there, I'm ${name}, a ${profession} from ${location}. My passion lies in ${passions[0]} and ${passions[1]}, and I continuously strive to expand my skillset and knowledge in ${skills.join(", ")} and other programming languages. I am proud to give back to the community by actively contributing to open-source projects through my Github profile at ${github}, and my portfolio at ${portfolio} showcases a small portion of my work. If you're interested in my personal and professional journey, feel free to connect with me on my social media accounts at ${socialMedia.join(", ")}.
One of my favorite quotes is "${quote}", and I believe that with dedication and hard work, anything is possible. Let's connect and create something amazing together!"`);
Note: I'm also continuously learning new things and expanding my skillset beyond the MERN stack. I'm not an expert in all of these technologies; I'm still a learner.